Night Tide

Free Night Tide by Mike Sherer

Book: Night Tide by Mike Sherer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Sherer

    “A! corner! of! the! carpet! was! loose,! sir.! Looks! like! it’s!
    Silence! fell! over! the! assemblage! as! if! the! men! had! been!
    the! hole! lightened! almost! imperceptibly,! slowly! turning! from!
    at! the! faces! sardined! into! the! space.! An! arm! reached! for! him!
    and! helped! him! out,! and! the! cops! made! room.! I! backed! up!
    quickly,! toes! barely! avoiding! the! tread! of! a! steel6toed! black!
    “Tunnel! leads! south,! sir.”! Tedesco! brushed! dirt! from! his!
    enough! for! a! large! vehicle.! Dirt! track! leads! south! into! the!
    woods! from! there! then! turns! east.! I’m! guessing! it! probably!
    The! men! glanced! at! each! other,! as! if! waiting! for! a! cue.!
    Roberts! didn’t! hesitate.! “Check! in! with! crime! scene,”! he!
    told! Tedesco.! “See! if! they! can! spare! someone.! Burke,! maybe.!
    east,! and! tape! off! the! scene.! We! may! be! able! to! get! tire! track!
    impressions! or! something! else! that! can! help! tell! us! what!
    Night&Tide —Sherer&

    happened.! Could! be! the! Jones! couple! managed! to! get! out! this!
    “It’s! like! they! were! expecting! it,”! Lewandowski! muttered.!
    Night&Tide —Sherer&

    charging! me.! They! kept! Charlie’s! back6up! gun,! of! course,! and!
    to! make! sure! the! right! people! got! the! right! papers,! the! scene!
    playing! like! an! endless! film! loop! in! my! imagination.! Several!
    times,! involuntary! tremors! left! me! quaking! so! badly! I! had! to!
    Not! even! the! magnificent! sunrise! that! bloomed! on! the!

horizon! like! a! peach! blossom! opening! against! a! pale! blue! sky!
    later! that! morning.! He! stopped! me! in! the! hall! with! a! somber!
    Downing! shoved! his! hands! in! his! pockets.! “Good.! You!
    shooter! made! a! mistake.! Round! was! a! mil6spec! M6one6nine6
    it! stayed! intact.! Did! much! less!

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