The Wolf and the Druidess
well.” Seren buried her face in her hands, taking a moment to muster her strength.
    “Arianrhod ordered him to kill Dylan, and she must have commanded him to murder me, also.” The muscles of his jaw flicked angrily and his eyes narrowed.
    “But why?” Seren jerked her head up and met his gaze. She wanted to scream. He’d almost died, due to the crazy goddess.
    “She ordered me dead because she is jealous of you.”
    “I do not understand why a goddess would be jealous of me.” Seren shook her head.
    “Because she knows I love you,” Gwydion said, in a deep voice simmering with passion.
    Seren was speechless. Warm joy bubbled inside her. “I was about to tell you the same thing. Does this mean you will stay with me longer than Samhain?”
    “Yes. Forever cariad .” Gwydion rose, stood before Seren, and pulled her into his arms.
    Crushed against his muscular body, wrapped in a cocoon of warmth, she gazed into his eyes, smoldering with fire. “I love you.”
    Her words were smothered as he moved his mouth over hers, devouring the wet heat of her sweet lips.
    Easing his mouth from hers, his eyes gazed into hers. “It would seem we have just met cariad , but sweetheart, I have longed for you from afar. I scried you in the pond of the wise salmon, and even he said you were the woman for me.
    But my heart revealed this truth long before the ancient fish did. Your beauty enchanted me. I love the sweetness of your voice, and your smile melts my very soul. But Seren, your spirit, your love for your tribe, your devotion to the gods, your joy in the land and all life upon it and your commitment to family all come from this tender, sensitive, caring heart.” He splayed his fingers against her chest where her heart lay, gently massaging the spot. “You are a rare gem, and as a dragon must hoard its treasure, I have to have you. I crossed the veil of mist from the otherworld for you, and I will not leave this world without you. There is no force of nature, nor any god or any man that can change that. Certainly not Arianrhod.”
    Stepping out of the embrace, he grabbed the spear she’d pulled out of his wolf form. He waved his free hand and the weapon vanished. “I will deal with Govannon and Arianrhod later. There is something more important I must do now.”
    Suddenly his strong, warm arms enveloped her again. Her sensitive breasts crushed against his firm chest. His musky, woodsy, masculine scent wafted in the air. Gwydion’s hot, full lips pressed against hers. Molten heat flooded her as her lips molded to his for what seemed like forever.
    Reluctantly, he eased his mouth off hers.
    “We should get back to the village,” Hywell called to them, as his mount nickered. “Must we?” Gwydion’s mouth pulled into a wry smile.
    Seren wanted to tell him no, just ignore Hywell. “I fear he will not leave without us. And the tribe will worry if we do not return. I am their druid,” she shrugged, “and you are their god.”
    Gwydion’s masculine laughter rippled through the air. He led Seren’s mount to her and helped her into the saddle, and then climbed onto his horse.
    When they rode into the village, the other eight warriors, who had driven the bull and cows back, stood before the chief.
    “Hail, Gwydion, Druidess Seren, and Hywell.” After greeting them, Neithon waited for the three to dismount and step forward, joining the others. He addressed all of them. “You are champions this day, having returned the herd and presented it to me. The tribe is grateful. A feast will be held on the morrow to honor you, nine warriors of Samhain, as well as Seren, and Gwydion.” He pointed to them.
    As the warriors cheered, some young men of the tribe ran forward and drove the herd to the pasture nearest the village where they would graze for the winter.
    * * * *
    Seren leaned in to Gwydion and whispered, “I need to look you over more closely and make sure you are healed and all is well.”
    A sensuous glint shone in his

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