Unexpected Reality: Book 1: Gamer Girl

Free Unexpected Reality: Book 1: Gamer Girl by L. Foster

Book: Unexpected Reality: Book 1: Gamer Girl by L. Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Foster
Francisco Police Department and they should give themselves up.  Adam went to the door and waved them inside.
    It was very satisfying to see the man handcuffed and taken away by the proper forces even though Adam knew he would be in trouble for haring off on his own to rescue his girl. She recounted what had happened briefly to Jones and Rossi and then he left the team to search and secure the property and they all went back to the precinct.
    “How’s Karl?” Claire asked and tears flowed as she heard he would pull through. She was desperately sad to hear about Ray and grateful that his last act had been one that solved the crime.

    Chapter 10
    After essential medical checks and statements she was allowed to leave and they went back to the hotel. They rang Kassie and found out her Mom was okay and then told the story again but assured her all was now well. The same procedure happened with Claire’s cousin and she told her she would collect Delta the next day.
    “A shower and bed feels like heaven.” She said to Adam as he wrapped her in his arms and carried her to the shower.  The hot water and gentle soap suds washed away the grime of the day and soothed both of them to a gentle relaxation. He kissed her lips through the curtain of warm water and she opened for him. He nuzzled her neck and slid a hand down her body. She followed his lead and found him ready and waiting and she gently took him inside her. They moved together as one person and enjoyed the completeness as she offered herself from the bottom of her heart and he took it with tenderness and gratitude. Holding to each other in the still falling water she murmured. “Oh My God I needed that.” Adam agreed. “Thinking of you and the wonderful time we’ve had together kept me going in that awful place.” She finished.
    “I was so beside myself.” He told her. “I couldn’t think straight or function. I just had to find you.”
    “And you did. For once being rescued as a damsel in distress was wonderful.” She answered. He turned off the shower and handed her a robe. Wrapping one around himself he carried her back to the bed and sat her on the side. She lay back and held out her arms. “Just hold me Adam.” She asked and he lay beside her.
    “Claire.” He said after a few minutes and she turned towards him with a concerned look.
    “I know you will have to go back to Hollywood sometime, if that is what you are trying to say.” He shook his head and smiled. “No. I was going to say that I will rent a place in San Francisco.” She shot up in the bed with a smile on her face that lit up his heart.
    “I have never said this to another woman, ever, Claire Costas but will you please take me on and become Mrs Adam Osorascos? The thought of life without you is unbearable.”
    There was a stunned silence as Claire took in the full meaning of what he had just said. “Have I ruined everything?” He added and saw tears start to stream down her cheeks. She shook her head.
    “You wonderful, gorgeous, hero of a man. Of course I’ll marry you- in a heartbeat, in an instant, forever and ever. I thought I would have this memory of our time together and nothing more.” She flung her arms around his neck and he enfolded her in an embrace. Two both of them it was a coming home. It was a solid ending to an adventure that had promised to be disastrous but they had come through together and the future stretched ahead of them, bright and full of love.
    “Tomorrow we go for Delta, tell my cousin and start house hunting together. I might actually have a proper holiday at last.”
    “No computers, no work, no games and no looking over shoulders for danger.” He finished. “I love you Claire Costas, with every single cell of my body.”
    “I was frightened to admit that I had fallen in love.” Claire told him. “But I have and it is wonderful.” They lay curled in each other’s arms and

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