The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen

Free The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen by Scarlett Flame

Book: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen by Scarlett Flame Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Flame
towards the room I rushed back to the
bed and covered myself with the bedding. Hearing the key in the lock
I pressed myself to the bedhead. My heart drumming in my chest and my
babies sensing my anxiety and trepidation, fluttered in my womb.
door shot open, and bounced against the wall. A creature then came in
to the room. It took me a few moments to realise what, and ultimately
who it was. It was Aston but not the Aston of earlier. This was
obviously him in werewolf form. His hands were now huge paws,
elongated with large sharp claws visible. His face elongated and
resembled the werewolves I had seen in films back on Earth. Hairy
with huge fangs dripping saliva from a giant maw. His clothes split
apart and in shreds from trying to accommodate his larger werewolf
form. He was shoe less and his claws clicked on the wooden floor of
the bedroom as he stalked in.
could see Leon and Vanda stood a little behind him still in their
human forms. Aston looked angry, nigh on ferocious. Standing well
over seven foot tall, he was enormous with rippling muscles. I
thought to myself I may as well forget about being mated,
It looked like death has coming for me and my babies.
climbed off the bed on shaky legs keeping the covers close to my
chest and backed away in to the farthermost corner. Tears streaming
down my face in my terror.
and Vanda were talking in a calm even voice to me. “Alex,
please stand very still where you are. We won't be able to stop Aston
or be quick enough if he decides to attack you in this form. Don't
worry he doesn't want to hurt you but he can't control himself as
easily in this form.”
their prompting I stayed in the corner trying not to move but
couldn't help the trembling or my teeth from chattering. I hoped this
wasn't the end of me. I really wanted to live and survive this
encounter. Both for myself and for my babies.
although it felt like forever, I detected Aston's breathing slowing
down and gradually over about ten minutes or so his body and face
began to transform back to “normal” He was still shaking,
with all I can assume was temper but his fangs and claws had
disappeared. When Aston realised what he had nearly done he came over
to my corner. Taking him time and indicating that he meant me no
    S obbing
uncontrollably and almost hysterical due to the unexpected
confrontation I stood as still as I could.
    “ I
am so sorry Alex. Please, please, forgive me. I would never hurt you
or your babies but I just couldn't control my rage.” Aston
reached over as I shrank away but that didn't deter him. Picking me
up as gently he carried me over placing me on the bed with great
    “ Please
believe me Alex, I would never. I could never hurt you but after the
news we just received I couldn't stop the change. I hadn't come in to
hurt you but to make sure you were still in this room and safe.”
He pulled me in to his arms and I heard the bedroom door close softly
and knew Leon and Vanda had left us alone. I shuddered at the thought
of being alone with this monster.
proceeded to pull me closer still and began to stroke my bare back up
and down. The thrum of electricity was a comforting hum now as I pondered a while. I never felt
this hum from contact with Sara or Allyssa. It had the desired effect
and despite my concerns my heart began to slow and my sobs subsided.
sat there for a long time. So long that Leon knocked and put his head
around the door to check everything that was okay. Then disappeared
leant back and pushed me slowly against the pillow and moved his face
to mine. He set a chaste kiss on my forehead. I stilled, and waited a
moment of two, then he began to speak. “I can't apologise
enough Alex. I don't know if anybody has told you about the
prophecies that are connected to you in detail. I know we only gave
you a bare outline. Would you like to hear the whole prophecy. I can
find you a copy tomorrow, for you to read,

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