True Fate

Free True Fate by Shayna Varadeaux

Book: True Fate by Shayna Varadeaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayna Varadeaux
never as simple as good and evil or right and wrong.”

    “You will have to learn to center yourself before
you can block any outsiders from your subconscious. Until then I will be with
you when you sleep, I will keep you safe, you have my oath." He said

    Eric poured their tea and began putting sugar
into his cup. Nia was in shock and perhaps disbelief. But taking everything
that had happened to her into consideration she finally spoke,

    "Okay I, I really don't know what to say. I
know you can't elaborate so I guess that will have to do for now. And I promise
to try my best to learn what I need to. I mean it is for my own safety right. And
thank you." Nia grabbed for the sugar ready to be done with this weird

    "Eric?" she said taking a sip of her

    "Yes." he replied looking in her eyes
which was making her increasingly uncomfortable.

    "How do I wake up? If I'm afraid I

    He grinned, "Well that's easy, you just
pinch yourself.” Eric said with a serious face.

    "What! It's that simple?” a wide eyed Nia
nearly shouted.

    Eric chuckled, "No I'm afraid not. But I
will tell you an easy enough way. All you have to do is touch that stone and
wish with everything in you and you will wake up. Reaching in her pocket to get
the stone she'd placed there when she'd stepped into his house, she rubbed the
smooth surface with her fingers.

    He got up from the table, Nia looked at him
curiously as he went to the living room then returned moments later with a
small black lacquer box.

    "Here, this is for you.” he said scooting
the box across the table nervously. Nia took it with shaky hands curiously
opening the lid.

    Nestled safely inside the velvet lining was a
black bracelet with beautiful twisting filigree. In the center was what looked
to be a small hollow cage. Eric took his soul stone from her hand and she gave
him her left wrist, he gave her a nod of approval. Her skin heated as he ran
his finger over her tattoo staring at it.

    Eric gently clasped the bracelet around her
wrist, he blew out a breath puffing out his cheeks. He carefully opened the
little cage with shaky hands and placed the stone inside. It touched Nia's
tattoo with a jolt as a tear trickled down her cheek. The enormity of the
situation was like a weight in her chest. This was the most trust ever given to
her in her entire life.

      He clasped
the cage softly and began to twist the side. Nia stared fascinated as it
twisted itself the rest of the way. Eric sealed it inside with a glowing touch
from his finger. The stone glowed brilliant blue light causing them both to
gasp. After a moment it dimmed to just a shimmer.

    "It's absolutely beautiful." Nia
breathed. "I promise to take care of it." She added reverently.  

    Eric looked up meeting her eyes, "I trust
you Nia. Now you have my soul to prove it." He said while wiping another
stray tear from her cheek.

    They stared into each other’s eyes exchanging,
she really didn't know what. But he was now a part of her and she him in a
strange way. Her thoughts and questions were cut off by his husky voice thick
with emotions of his own, "It's time to go." Nia could only nod in

    He smiled and brought her to her feet gently by
her hand. “Place your hand on the bracelet and clear your mind.” He instructed.

    "When will I see you again?” she
interrupted, he smiled then and it was a brilliant smile making her breath

    "You will see me in your dreams of course.
Now it’s time for you to go back.” Nia nodded and gave him a dazzling smile of
her own placing her palm down on the bracelet. The stone lit up dimly and everything
started to fade. Blurring and swaying slowly until there was nothing but the
black of her eyelids.

    Nia opened her eyes and saw a purple ceiling
through the sheer canopy and knew she was awake and safe. She laid there for a
second as Sweet Dreams

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