Twisted Strands

Free Twisted Strands by Margaret Dickinson

Book: Twisted Strands by Margaret Dickinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Dickinson
sigh and lowered his bulk into a chair near the table, as if resigning himself to a long, wrangling argument. Then all at once, he stood up again. ‘Evie, you come
with me, mi duck. We’ll leave your mam and Richard to talk.’ When Eveleen seemed to hesitate, he added firmly, ‘Come on.’
    He took her coat down from the peg behind the back door and held it for her, whilst she slipped her arms in.
    As Josh held open the back door for her, Eveleen overheard her mother, with a different, much gentler tone, say, ‘I realize you must think I’m too harsh with Bridie, but I’m
responsible for her. I know what can happen to young girls. Believe me. And sometimes, Richard, I am so afraid for her . . .’
    ‘The rain’s still holding off,’ Josh said, interrupting Eveleen’s eavesdropping. ‘We’ll walk to the beck.’
    They walked in silence through the farmyard, hens scattering at their approach, through the gate and into the neighbouring field, which led down to the stream. It wasn’t until they were
standing on the bank, Eveleen’s arm tucked through Josh’s, and watching the rushing water that Eveleen said quietly, ‘It was about here I found him.’
    Josh nodded. ‘Aye, I know, lass, I know.’
    ‘She still blames me for his death, you know. She says that the worry over my involvement with Stephen Duns-more caused his death.’
    ‘That’s nonsense.’
    ‘I know. His family had some sort of weakness of the heart. His own father had died in much the same way. But you won’t convince my mother of that.’
    ‘When I first got to know you and your family,’ Josh said. ‘I knew things were – well – difficult between you and your mother, but at the time Mary and I married I
thought it would get easier.’
    ‘It did. Much easier.’
    ‘Is it my fault do you think? Is she not happy with me now?’
    ‘Oh, Josh, she’s wonderfully happy with you. Don’t ever think that. This has absolutely nothing to do with you. What I mean is, it’s not your fault in any way.’ She
sighed. ‘It’s me. Or rather, it’s because Bridie is growing up and Mam has the same concerns about her as she once had about me.’
    Josh digested her words and then nodded. ‘I see what you mean.’ He pulled a comical face and added, ‘I think.’
    Eveleen glanced at him. Carefully she said, ‘And then there’s her own unhappiness she suffered as a young girl.’
    She was treading very tentatively, anxious not to divulge secrets that her mother had not shared with Josh. But he nodded and said quietly, ‘Yes, she told me all about that, even before we
were married.’ He turned his head and smiled at Eveleen now. ‘She was so afraid it would make a difference to me.’
    Eveleen squeezed his arm. He was such a good, kind man and he loved Mary unconditionally. Eveleen believed that, whatever Mary might have done in her youth, it would have made no difference to
the man standing beside her, just as it never had to her own father.
    ‘Her family treated her so cruelly,’ Eveleen said with compassion. ‘There’s no wonder the scars are still there.’
    ‘It’s a shame, though,’ Josh reflected sadly, ‘that the past is still blighting the present.’
    Now he patted her hand as it rested on his arm. ‘Mind you don’t let that happen. Don’t let Stephen Dunsmore’s cruel desertion of you spoil your happiness with
    Eveleen’s eyes clouded. ‘I thought I was completely over the hurt, but when I saw him again the other week – you know, when our motor frightened his horse – I have to
admit, though only to you, Josh, that it opened the wound again.’
    Josh was firm as he said, ‘Well, you really shouldn’t let it. Richard adores you. He’ll never hurt you.’
    They walked back to the house and found Richard ready to leave, but it wasn’t until they were in the car and heading home that he admitted, ‘I didn’t get any further with her
than you did, darling. But we won’t give up. It’s time

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