Lazer Focused: A Jet City Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Matchmaker Series Book 1)

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Book: Lazer Focused: A Jet City Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Matchmaker Series Book 1) by Gina Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Robinson
few months ago." His Adam's apple bobbed. "She and I were tight. I was closer to her than I am to my mom. She wanted a great-grandchild." He looked morose. As if he'd failed her. "She wanted to see my kids before she went." He took a deep breath. "Her death made me think about my life. Like, other than my parents, and maybe my sister, who would give a shit if I died?"
    "Us!" I said, with the other guys echoing me.
    "You guys don't count." Jeremy shook his head. "There would be nothing of me left after you guys and my parents are gone." He paused again.
    The rest of the guys had gone eerily silent.
    "I make plenty of money," Jeremy said. "Have a good job. I want kids. I've always wanted kids. I want them soon enough so I can see my grandkids. I'd like a family. I'd like to meet that girl and settle down. It's so damn frustrating in this town. It's hard to meet women who want the same. Too many girls just want to party. The women here are always looking for something better."
    I expected the other guys to rib him mercilessly. Nope. They all chimed in. Enthusiastically.
    "Exactly! There aren't enough women in Seattle. That's the problem." Dylan, my big bear of a guy friend with a wild beard, shook his head. He was one of those guys that could grow a full beard overnight. This large, bushy one made him look like a mountain man. But he wasn't inclined to shave it, no matter how much I ribbed him about it. "Not enough women, man."
    "And those that we have are cold, cold bitches." Jeremy sighed. "Too picky. The good ones all have boyfriends. Possessive bastards. A woman comes on the market, she's snatched up immediately. If you blink, you miss your opportunity."
    "The ladies don't want geeks. Not even geeks with good incomes who are willing to drop it on impressing them." Cam glanced in my direction and grinned. "They only want billionaires. Lazer was just a fucking geek like the rest of us until his ship came in. Now look at him. Why didn't you bring us some women for the weekend, Laze?"
    "You wouldn't know what to do with a woman if she threw herself in your arms naked and handed you a condom." I set my beer bottle down on the table in front of me. Why did every conversation remind me of Ashley? How had this topic reared its ugly head again so soon?
    "A friend of mine"— Friend? Really? That was how I was referring to Ashley now?—"who's a relationship/dating expert and I recently had a discussion about this. Seattle is one of the tougher places in the nation for college-educated men to find similar women."
    The guys nodded.
    "But there are still slightly more available women than men."
    "Bullshit!" Austin said. "That can't be right. Since when did you become an expert on census data?"
    "Not me. This woman I know."
    The guys gave each other looks that were the equivalent of winks, nods, and elbows to the ribs. They knew how I knew most of my women.
    I ignored them and grinned, egging them on. "Check my facts."
    Austin pulled out his phone. "You're on."
    "You guys aren't going far enough afield. You need to get out of the city limits." I launched into the spiel Ashley had given me, complete with stats. I'd been thinking about her all week. And wondering more and more if there was a way to hook up with her again. Sex was plentiful. But sex that great was hard to find. As were intelligent, beautiful women with a sense of humor that matched mine. Since a week ago, thoughts of sex were hitting my brain at more than roughly once an hour. Much more.
    The guys listened attentively, if somewhat skeptically.
    "I'd go out to the suburbs, if I knew for sure I'd run into the babes," Jeremy said. "But there's no point in wasting a trip for nothing. At least we know where the women hang out in Seattle."
    "You know the definition of insanity." My mind was whirling with an idea. I'd been toying with it all week. "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
    "Better to be skunked in the suburbs than rejected in the city,

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