Lazer Focused: A Jet City Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Matchmaker Series Book 1)

Free Lazer Focused: A Jet City Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Matchmaker Series Book 1) by Gina Robinson

Book: Lazer Focused: A Jet City Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Matchmaker Series Book 1) by Gina Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Robinson
wanted it to blend in with the surroundings and be completely in the Northwest style. It was built from the finest materials, most of them locally sourced.
    The lodge had all the modern conveniences, including a pool on a cantilevered deck. A view to kill for. Plenty of bedrooms. Some of them with fireplaces and bearskin rugs. Fake bearskin, of course. But very soft, good imitations. A media room I used when I held meetings at my place. An office. A state-of-the-art kitchen large enough to accommodate the most discriminating five-star chefs.
    The ceilings in the bedrooms and other enclosed rooms were twelve feet high to add to the feeling of spaciousness. The central feature was a large, open great room several stories high, with windows along the back so large and clear it was made to look as if it was open air. I had gone for a tree house effect. A house nestled in the evergreens. A row of sliding doors opened to the cantilevered patio deck, where the view was best and the pool was designed to vanish into the horizon. The lodge faced west to take full advantage of the magnificent sunsets.
    My friend Kayla, the wife of my mentee Justin Green, had jokingly described her first impression of it to me this way, "There's a Washington State Lottery commercial on TV where a guy lives on top of a mountain and parasails down into town for a coffee. Then zip-lines back up. You remember it, Lazer?
    "When I first stepped into the lodge—in complete awe, I might add—I wondered whether the lottery commission had patterned the house in the commercial as a modest version of Lazer Lodge. Or if you had been the one to take that fantasy one step farther."
    Her description was apt. I loved Kayla. It was too bad Jus had snatched her up first. I only met her after they suddenly eloped in Reno. Maybe it was her immediate inaccessibility that made her so enticing. I've always loved a chase. I was sure she'd been coming on to me at first. Now she was madly in love with Jus.
    My favorite room, besides the master suite, was my red room of game, my gaming room. The logs of the walls had a reddish hue, and there were red accents here and there. Red pillows with outdoorsy designs. Prints with red themes. Nothing too garish. It was all the gaming equipment, both modern and retro, that made the room.
    I liked to escape the heat of August and the city by heading to my mountain lodge. And get away to think. Right now I wanted to get away from my own mind. I hadn't been able to shake a certain matchmaking woman from it. That wasn't like me at all. I'd even come close to texting her once or twice. That way lay disaster.
    I often entertained at the lodge. This weekend was a special event. I had a group of my closest college buddies out. The gang of five, we called ourselves—Cam, Jeremy, Austin, and Dylan.
    My buds were computer science guys. Engineers. Coders. Gamers. Geeks. None of them were billionaires like me. Or anything close. But they'd done well for themselves. Made six figures a year. Worked for the tech companies in the area or ran their own small companies and firms.
    We were belatedly celebrating Jeremy's milestone birthday, the big three-oh. He was the first of us to hit it. I was only twenty-nine and the youngest of the bunch.
    We sat on the deck drinking craft beers and shooting the breeze, taking a break from video gaming.
    "Thirty. Shit, old man." Cam slapped Jeremy on the back and took a pull of his beer. He looked out over the view. "Where are all the ladies? Why the hell are we all still single?"
    "Because we're geeks who just spent most of Friday night playing video games?" Austin was always the voice of reason.
    "You want a girlfriend?" I asked Jeremy for clarification. Wanting a girlfriend was understandable enough.
    "Or a wife," Jeremy said, completely seriously.
    Damn. I stared at him, trying not to let my jaw hit the deck. "Why?"
    He shrugged, looking embarrassed and defensive at the same time. "Dude, you know my grandma passed a

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