The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys
and they tumbled to the pile of sweet, fresh hay, rolling around as he kissed her with a feeling of possessiveness and ownership.  He thought of another man touching her and it drove him wild. His tongue tasted every inch of her mouth while his intensity was returned by his sexy lover. He pulled back to roll his tongue around her luscious, ruby red lips and she moaned.
    “Shit!” he whispered, then his lips took hers hungrily again and that feeling of possession returned. It made no sense whatsoever, but, in his mind, she was his and had been his since way before he’d met her. He slid his fingers down the side of her face as he kept his mouth slanted hard over hers. The next thing he knew, she’d slid her hand between them and was shaking his balls.
    Chad’s dick almost busted his zipper again. He rolled on top of her, one hand in her hair, the other stroking her thigh, teasing her. Damn, he wished they were naked. The next thing he knew, they were!   He lay on top of her, stunned, as his skin sizzled against her soft body. “Hey I didn’t give you permission to blink our clothes away yet,” he teased. “I just might have to spank you for that.”
    She looked up at him just as stunned.  “But I didn’t.  I…I can’t use my magic when it pertains to us and sex. I…I don’t know why…but I can’t.” She rubbed his back, one hand creeping downwards and he almost jumped out of his skin as her hot fingertips caressed his ass, leaving fire in their wake. There was magic going on here and who was he to question it?
    “Do we really have to analyze how it happened?” she asked, echoing his thoughts.  “I…I’m so hot for you… This love goddess in training has met her match. Do me, cowboy.”
    Chad’s cock was hard enough to break off and was throbbing against her creamy sex. Her breasts were pressed into his chest sending heat waves  throughout his body.  He wanted to plunge his dick inside of her, but he knew he could give her more pleasure if he slowed things down. It would cause him sweet agony, and blue balls for a week, but he didn’t care. Anything to make her desire him, love him, want to stay as long as possible. Cradling her head, he asked. “How much do you want me to pleasure you, sugar?”
    “More than you could ever know,” she said arching her sex against him. He groaned, knowing she was trying to hurry him but he wouldn’t be rushed. He pressed her hands back against the hay. “Not so fast, sugar. We’re playing by my rules now.”  He smiled when she glared up at him, forcing himself not to give in and do it. He briefly thought of the bondage gear in his play room and wished his magic was real and then suddenly and shockingly a blindfold and cuffs lay beside him. They both gasped then he smiled and picked up the blindfold and dangled it over her, rubbing it teasingly against her lips. “It seems somebody is telling me you like it hot.”
    “Um…what are you going to do with that?” Her voice came out high and desperate as she trembled.
    “I can’t imagine,” he said his finger touched her lips to quiet her then he slipped the blindfold over her head making her cry out his name.
    “Like that, do you?”
    “Oh my, yes!”
    He knew a little sense deprivation would make her even hotter. Her sucked in breath and the rapid pulse in her throat told him it was working. Then he reached for the fur lined leather manacles and clasped one around her wrist.
    “What are you doing now?” she asked nervously.
     “One more guess,” he said securing her other wrist.
    “Hey!” she cried out. “I don’t have my powers to get out of this if I don’t like it.”
    His heart seemed to stop as she seemed reluctant. Didn’t she trust him? “All you have to do is tell me no and I’ll let you go,” he said, in a soothing voice. “Do you want to tell me no?”
    “No…no…I mean no as in don’t stop! If you don’t take me now I’m going to beg the goddesses to strike you with

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