Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2

Free Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2 by Marie James

Book: Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2 by Marie James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie James
Tags: Romance
coming in at the same angle it usually does. I remember I fell asleep watching TV with Khloe about the same time I realize I have my arm around her middle.
    I jolt suddenly and pull my arm away. The sudden action causes her to stir. I lie still recalling how she reacted yesterday when I woke her by touching her face, which is the same instinct I have right now. I fight it.
    We’re facing each other, only inches apart. Thankfully I’m still on top of the covers. I don’t even want to think about how much of my body would be touching hers if the blankets didn’t keep us separated.
    Her eyes flutter softly. “Hey,” she says quietly as if speaking loudly would break the perfection of the moment.
    I smile at her. “Mornin’.” I wait for the urgency to run to hit my chest. We didn’t mess around last night, but not once in my life have I ever had the urge to stay in the bed with a woman once the sun came up. The only time I’ve stuck around even for the briefest of moments is when I woke up halfway down a chick’s throat.
    I close my eyes in an attempt to ward off those thoughts, even though my rock solid dick is begging me to focus on the idea of sliding past her perfectly pink lips. Either set would work, he practically grumbles with a voice of his own.
    “You feel like getting out of here today?” I don’t really have any plans for us, but I know I don’t want to leave this room without knowing I’ll get to spend more time with her today.
    “Sure,” she answers brightly.
    I turn over on the bed and sit on the edge, begging my cock to deflate enough so I don’t embarrass myself when leaving the room. It doesn’t, and I think the longer I sit here the harder it gets, so that’s not an option.
    I stand up and stretch, giving me a reason to tug my t-shirt down in front of my jeans, a failure of an attempt to hide my erection. I stride to the dresser and grab my boots, holding them awkwardly in front of myself. Memories of high school and hiding the same problem behind my math book flood my head. I smirk at the thought, considering even then it was girls her age now that caused the problems back then.
    “I’ll be back in like half an hour. I need to grab a quick shower,” I tell her before leaving the room.
    I groan out loud when I pull her door closed and see Kincaid leaning against the wall, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand.
    “I know Shadow relayed my message to you,” he says calmly, even though I can see his pulse thrumming in his neck. “She’s off limits until she ages out of the state’s care. I’m certain I made myself clear.”
    “That’s not…”
    He cuts me off. “This is only the second night she’s been here and you’re already doing the walk of shame out of her fucking room, Kid.”
    There’s the anger I’d expect from Kincaid for violating a direct order.
    I lower my boots from in front of my straining cock and grip it in my free hand. “Do you see this? If I fucked her last night do you think I’d walk out of that room before taking care of this?”
    He chuckles; it damn near enrages me.
    “We watched movies,” I explain. “I fell asleep. Fuck. I even slept on top of the covers. I know I shouldn’t have been in her room, but I was exhausted after not sleeping for over thirty-six hours. Besides, she just lost her fiancé.”
    “You still want to fuck her,” he states.
    I can’t help but laugh. First, Shadow and now the damn Pres.
    “Every man who looks at her wants to fuck her, Kincaid.”
    “Not true,” he says looking down the hall.
    A huge smile spreads across his face. It’s still new, only having begun a few months ago when Emmalyn came into his life. I follow his gaze and see his woman smiling back at him from across the living room.
    “Not everyone gets what you have, man.”
    I envy their relationship. It’s not something I see for myself, but I can appreciate the love they have for each other. If anyone has ever doubted that true love exists, they

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