Wolf Creek Enforcer

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Book: Wolf Creek Enforcer by Jo Ellen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Ellen
while you stayed here.”
    “I understand how you feel but that wouldn’t work,” Melanie told him.  “ I couldn’t tell him exactly where I would be going.  It’s more like an internal broadcast that leads me,” she said.  
    “I was afraid it would be something like that,” Ian said.  “Okay, new rul e.  From now on, I’m your travel buddy, you won’t leave without me,” Ian said. 
    Melanie gave him a huge smile, “I was hoping you would travel with me.  My parents have always gone together and that’s exactly how I’d hoped it’d be for me.”
    Melanie thought for a moment and decided he might as well know the rest.  “I sometimes travel with my brother, David.  Don’t freak out, but sometimes the person or persons need to be rescued, not just retrieved,” she told him. 
    Grimly, Ian asked, “Rescued how? From what” 
    “Umm, well, a dungeon or just say, being burned as a witch.  Look, we know what we’re doing.  You’re just going to have to trust me.”
    “From now on, if David needs a partner, he can take me or Devlin,” Ian said.
    “Okay, I think that would work.  I need to go call David now and find out where he is, and see if he’s available to come and meet you.  Is it okay for him to come here?” she asked.
    “Of course.  You’re family is always welcome here.”
    Ian released her so she could go call David.  He relaxed back against the chaise, folding his arms behind his head. 
    When she traveled, he could handle it if he was there with her.  His biggest fear when she’d first told them how it worked was of her being taken from him at any moment in time.  He was glad to know they had some time to plan when summoned.
    “I have David on the phone and he says he can be here by tomorrow.  He’s in Little Rock so he’s less than six hours away.  I need you to give him your address and the directions here,” Melanie said.
    Taking the phone, Ian spoke with David.  He couldn’t really get a reading of the guy only speaking on the phone with him, so Ian would hold his opinion until he met him in person.  He did have a good feeling in one sense because the first thing he’d done was to threaten him if he hurt his sister.  He could relate to that.
    “So, what’d you think of my brother?” Melanie asked , sitting on the end of the chaise.
    “I won’t know till I meet him in person, but he speaks my language.  He told me he’d kick my ass if I hurt you.  We have an understanding,” Ian said.
    “Oh, how sweet.  A male bonding moment,” Melanie said , wiping fake tears from her eyes. 
    Before he could respond, Devlin stuck his head out the door.  “Mom called, they’re all staying in Dallas.  Lisa wants to go to the state f air so Rafe and Dad got roped into going.”
    “Oh, I love fairs.  Think we could go while David is here?” Melanie asked.
    Ian groaned.  “Sure, I love going to loud, crowded places with teenagers making out in the Midway and on the rides.”
    “Don’t be a party pooper.  It’ll be so much fun.  What’s the Midway?” Melanie asked.
    Devlin came on out and sat in one of the chairs.  “That’s where the rides are.  There are a few fun ones but my favorite part of the fair is the food and the games.  I saw on the news that this years winning food is fried bacon cinnamon rolls and deep-fried jambalaya.  I can’t wait to try both!”
    “You can’t be serious?  That sounds disgusting!” Melanie said.
    “Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.  I’ve had fried butter, chicken fried bacon, fried PB and jelly, and fried banana split,” Devlin told her.
    Now it was Ian’s turn.  “Don’t forget the deep fried latte, fried beer and the deep-fried peaches and cream.  There’s nothing a Texan won’t fry,” Ian said proudly.
    “Excuse me while I go throw up,” Melanie said, making gagging sounds.
    “Don’t worry, we’ll go easy on you.  The only food you can’t get out of eating is the Fletchers

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