Wolf Creek Enforcer

Free Wolf Creek Enforcer by Jo Ellen

Book: Wolf Creek Enforcer by Jo Ellen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Ellen
to knock a few balls around.  His pack and the few patrons in the bar left him alone.  Ian’s vibe was shouting to everyone there to stay the hell back. 
    Once he was calmer, he knew he needed to go home and talk to her.  He was sober as shifters metabolized alcohol quickly. 
    Ian enjoyed the wind blowing his hair back, glad Texas didn’t have helmet laws.  Of course, as a shifter he was pretty indestructible.  Good thing I’m not human, he thought, otherwise he’d be a donor waiting to happen.
    Arriving home, he saw Devlin and Melanie sitting on the sofa where he’d left them.  They were in a heated discussion about time travel.
    “Okay, how about that old paradox about meeting your great-great-grandfather?  You know, where you kill him , so then you’re never born,” he heard Devlin say.
    Ian went and sat beside Melanie, taking her hand and gently clasping it.  She looked at him but turned back to Devlin. 
    “Then in that reality, you would cease to exist.  But in another realty, you would still be living since you had never killed your grandfather,” she told him. 
    “So you’re saying there can be several realities?  By your way of thinking, we’re talking millions, even billions of alternative dimensions,” Devlin replied.
    “Who’s to say?  Since I haven’t run into my great-great-whatever, then I’m no expert.  But I do believe when I travel, the universe doesn’t send me to where any of my relatives are or were.  Whatever. I can’t prove it, that’s just my opinion,” she said.
    “And what if they wanted to stay where they were, and not go back to their time?” Devlin asked.
    “Enough.  I need to speak with Melanie now.  You can continue your geek-fest later.  And by the way, sweet ride,” Ian said smugly, tossing the keys to Devlin.
    “Yeah, you owe me bro.  There’d b etter not be any scratches on her either,” Devlin left to inspect his bike.
    Melanie walked off towards the kitchen.  She was just about to open the back door when she found herself caged in by Ian.
    She could see his palms flat against the door on either side of her head and felt his chest pressed up against her back.  Turning her head, she stared at his biceps, absently noting how huge they were. 
    Her heart sped up when she felt his breath on her neck.  She stood frozen, waiting to see what he would do. 
    Ian nuzzled her hair aside so he could kiss her neck.  Hearing her moan, he smiled.  Slowly sliding his hands down, he grasped her waist and turned her to face him.  Moving his hand to her chin, he traced her lips with his fingertip. 
    Melanie held her breath waiting for his next move.  Leaning in close, he whispered, “I’m sorry,” right before he kissed her.  She felt his tongue along the seam of her lips and opened her mouth, letting him in. 
    His tongue swept her mouth, while his body pressed her back to the door.  Melanie grabbed his arms, enjoying the feel of his hard muscles.  She gradually pulled back, not wanting to stop but needing air.  Laying her head against his chest, she panted.
    Breathlessly, she said, “I thought you said we needed to talk.”
    Ian laughed quietly.  “I got distracted.  Come on, lets go sit outside.  I have a feeling I’m going to spend a lot of time apologizing.”
    Taking her hand, Ian led her out the door and to the chaise lounger.  He sat back on the chair and stretched out his legs, pulling her down between them.  With her back pressed against his chest , Melanie rested her arms on top of his where he encircled her waist. 
    Laying her head back against him, she waited for him to speak, knowing he had questions. 
    Sighing, Ian started, “I find the thought of you putting yourself in a dangerous situation where you could be hurt, difficult to deal with.  What I propose is taking your place.  I’m not a druid, but I’ve been thinking.  What if you told me where and when you were supposed to go, and I got your brother to take me

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