A Broken Man

Free A Broken Man by Brooklyn Wilde

Book: A Broken Man by Brooklyn Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooklyn Wilde
hands down his stomach and into his waistband. She leaned down and captured the drawstring of his pants in her teeth. His pulse kicked into high gear when she dramatically pulled the string until the knot gave, releasing his cock only inches from her face.
    She licked a slow circle around the head and then blew a hot gust of air over it. He squirmed underneath her. She looked him squarely in the eyes when she took him into her mouth. He banged the ground with his fists when she playfully pulled on his prick. Her tongue swirled a slow circle all the way around before she swallowed it down in earnest. Her eyes never closed, never left his face.
    “If you don’t fuck me soon, it’s going to be too late.”
    She came up grinning.
    “If you insist.”
    She stood up and backed just out of his reach, allowing him to look but not touch while she finished undressing. She let the light and shadow dance on her skin as she turned slowly in front of the fire.
    “Damn.” The look in his eyes said it all.
    Sarah enjoyed drawing out the game, and she was discovering how much she liked being in control. She walked over to where Ethan lay on the floor.
    “Like what you see?”
    “Like doesn’t even begin to describe it.”
    She grazed the skin of his belly with the toes of her left foot then pivoted on the ball of her right, so that she was standing above him, astride his waist with her back to him. He stroked her calves with his hands, eager to see what was coming next. With exaggerated slowness, she began to lower herself down.
    “Oh God.” He gripped her ankles as she lowered down over him. She moaned when she took him inside her and brought a hand up to stroke her clit with each pump, slow at first and gradually building speed.
    “This is torture,” he whined, between gasps. She intended it to be. She wanted him to see what she was doing to him, but only be able to imagine what she was doing to herself, just out of his sight.
    She flipped her head back and let out a heady moan. Each time she came down on him, her own pleasure ratcheted up another degree. Her entire body tingled, screaming for release. He smacked her ass and howled when he came, pulsing underneath her with each pump. When it was over, she eased down on him and gently rocked while she finished herself with her fingers. She bucked and then collapsed over onto his legs, too spent to move. A dull ache pulsed deep inside her thighs. She’d done her squats for the year.
    “That…was the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” Ethan rested a hand gently on the small of her back.
    “I don’t know what came over me.” With great effort, she picked herself up.
    “Come here.” Ethan stretched out an arm.
    Sarah curled into him, rested her head on his chest, and almost immediately sank into a deep and satisfied sleep.

Chapter Eleven
    The next morning, Sarah woke up in front of the still-smoking embers of the spent fire alone. She stretched contentedly, and her leg bumped warm fur. Not completely alone. Dame raised her head.
    “Morning, Dame.” She reached down and scratched behind Dame’s ears. The dog flipped over on her back, three legs in the air.
    “Do you need a belly rub?”
    Dame thumped her tail expectantly.
    “I don’t know what good you are as a service dog, but you sure are sweet.”
    Sarah noticed a slip of paper resting on the pillow beside her. It instructed her to wash up and come downstairs for an early-morning PT session as soon as she woke up.
    “Bossy,” she muttered as she stood and walked into the kitchen for coffee. She poured a tall glass over ice and drank it down. How on earth did he have the energy for a therapy session after last night? She guessed if he could manage it, so could she. She hurried off to her room for a quick shower and good toothbrushing. By the time she finished, the caffeine had done its job.
    “All right, let’s get to work,” she said, as she descended the steps into the basement. She took one look at

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