Free UNDER BY DURESS by Kayla Stonor

Book: UNDER BY DURESS by Kayla Stonor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Stonor
looked around for inspiration. Her eyes fell on the discarded cuffs and irons. She picked up the handcuffs first, the solid weight calming. She stood there, thinking. Why was he doing this? Gian Antonio Rossini: Mafia heir; Crime lord; Murderer; Commanding; Gentle; Honorable. He had given her his word, and so far his word held true. He wasn’t moving. But his inner battle was betrayed by the growing tension in his shoulders.
    This wasn’t him, either. What was driving him?
    Why did she want him so much?
    The question shocked her. Undermined everything she had been working for since walking away from a man she had given body and soul. She had said never again. Women like her were disposable. Property to be discarded. A toy to be abandoned.
    It was the process of domination that thrilled men like Rossini. He even twisted survival into seduction. But their journey had a purpose and she could not afford to let her guard down. She raised the stun gun. This was her real power.
    She moved in front of him, cuffs in one hand, weapon ready in the other. “Put these on.”
    He looked up. Her stomach clenched at the range of emotions that flitted across his face before he took them. He locked one wrist; correctly deducing she intended to restrain him in front. He placed his other wrist inside the remaining cuff.
    Tahima closed it. She lowered the stun gun. “Nothing’s changed. I’m handing you over to the sheriff.”
    He stared up at her. “That’s it?” Frustration colored his cheeks. “You’re either very scared, Tahima.” He looked down at his cock. “Or a prick-tease on a power trip. I’m betting it’s the former.”
    Tahima backhanded him across the mouth. He hadn’t expected it and his head snapped to one side.
    “Lie down on your back.”
    “You want to be fucked , don’t you?”
    His face twisted. He couldn’t keep up. “No . . . I . . .”
    She aimed the stun gun at him.
    “Merda, keep your shirt on.” He tumbled onto his side, then rolled onto his back with a wince.
    “Put your hands above your head.”
    Rossini muttered something incomprehensible, but complied. Tahima grabbed a piton and the hammer from the backpack and pounded the piton into a crack in the rock. She added a karabiner and swiftly bound his cuffs to the piton with the rope. Then she took up the leg irons, moved around his naked body to his feet where she cuffed his ankles before pulling him to stretching point. Another piton and karabiner secured his feet tight.
    “You’re getting way too good at this.” His voice had an edge to it. “I’m wondering what you’re hoping to achieve.”
    “And I’m wondering why you’re cooperating.” Out of view, Tahima slipped off her panties and toed them aside. They were even damper. She was so wet, so turned on her juices dripped down her inner leg.
    Rossini stared up at the sky. “Tahima, you pointed a stun gun at me you’re prepared to use. I see your need to control this situation and I’m not prepared to hurt you to get the upper hand. I understand you’re scared of me, and I’m trying really hard not to give you further reason to doubt me, but dammit, you’re making that difficult.”
    She straddled his hips and dropped to her knees, clenching the head of his cock in her entrance. His eyes opened wide and she squeezed. His hips bucked up. “I’m protected and clean. You?”
    He looked surprised. “Yes, I’m clean, but . . .”
    She leaned forward and rested her hands on either side of his head. He quivered between her legs. “But?”
    “You don’t need to do this.”
    “Do you want me?”
    His face contorted. “You know I do.”
    “That’s your dick talking. What do you want?”
    His body jolted, testing his restraints. “I don’t want you to service me. I . . .  I want to make love.”
    “Make love? You don’t know me.” She shifted over his cock, her juices guiding him in. A kernel of pleasure pulsed as he touched her clit.
    He groaned. “Is this

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