A Druid of Her Own: An Immortal Highlander (Druid Series Book 4)

Free A Druid of Her Own: An Immortal Highlander (Druid Series Book 4) by Mandy M. Roth

Book: A Druid of Her Own: An Immortal Highlander (Druid Series Book 4) by Mandy M. Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy M. Roth
jeans and slid them on. He moved past Kennard and headed in the direction of his brother’s room. He had the sense to knock. After several long pounds on the door Cillian answered, looking as if he just woke. “What the hell time is it?”
    “Time to get yer sorry arse up,” Liam snapped. “Athol’s soul isnae trapped in the Otherworld.”
    Cillian’s sleepy appearance vanished. He seemed wide awake as he asked, “Are you sure?”
    Liam thumbed in Kennard’s direction. “This one just had it out with him on another plane.”
    Kennard bit his lower lip. “There is more.”
    The twins stared at him.
    He sighed. “The redhead from earlier was there, in the dream. And she’s the reason I stand before you now. She broke the connection to Athol right as he rammed a dagger of the dead into me.”
    The twins gasped.
    “Coffee shop lass took on Athol and won?” asked Liam, shock evident.
    Kennard looked to the floor. “I have to find her. He wants her. I’m nae sure how I was pulled into it all, but when I arrived in the dream realm he was after her.”
    Cillian eased closer to the wall. “To be able to call someone into another realm, onto another plane of existence, takes powerful magik. I dinnae sense that comin’ from the redhead earlier. Would be hard to hide that much from the likes of the three of us.” He rubbed his jaw and then froze. “One could do so with a fair amount of power and if they were one’s chosen.”
    “ By Daga ,” Liam said, partially under his breath. “You do nae think she is yer chosen one, yer mate, do you, Kennard?”
    Kennard snorted and was about to say no when something deep within stopped him from doing as much. Frantic, he stared wide-eyed at his cousins, seeking guidance where none was to be found. They were as lost with it all as he. Maybe more.
    Cillian gapped openly at him. “I’m callin’ seanmhair .”
    “Tattle tale,” snapped Kennard, as Cillian grabbed his phone and followed through on his threat—phoning their grandmother. He talked briefly and then handed the phone to Kennard who took it begrudgingly.
    “ Ciamar a tha thu? ” he asked, hoping to feign ignorance.
    “I’m fine,” she replied, not bothering with their native tongue. “Grandson of mine, have you somethin’ you want to tell me?”
    “No. I’m guid.”
    His cousins snickered. He narrowed his gaze on them and they shut up.
    “Och, lad, Cillian told me what I already know,” she stated evenly. “You’ve found yer mate. Yer chosen. Why are you talkin’ to me when you should be with her? Best you get to her soon before the dark mage does. He’s plans for that one, boy. Do nae let him have her. Go now.”
    She hung up.
    His stomach tightened. Grandma knew things she shouldn’t, and if she was calling Maggie his mate then it was so. And Athol wanted his woman.

Chapter 7
    M aggie pulled her damp hair over one shoulder and continued to towel dry it as Maria paced the short length of the living room, still talking with one of her aunts on the phone. Maggie could understand none of it as their conversation was in Spanish, but every so often she caught her name, and from the over-dramatic hand gestures Maria was making, the conversation wasn’t going well.
    After expelling the contents of her stomach, Maggie had decided a shower and freshening up was in order. Her hot-water tank was on the fritz again and refused to yield any of the warm goodness, giving her frigid water instead. She’d made do.
    Maria had sat on the toilet on the other side of the shower curtain, drilling her on details of her dream and why this one had shaken her to the core—more so than the ones she’d been having all her life. When Maggie had confessed that the man from the coffee shop had been there and that he’d nearly died protecting her, Maria’s face had gone ashen and she’d leapt up and phoned her aunt, despite the hour, and had been on the phone ever since.
    Maggie curled up on the sofa and tucked

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