
Free Heat by Ashley Shavonne

Book: Heat by Ashley Shavonne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Shavonne
The Wait              
    The room was still. So many emotions. The distance between the three bodies still wasn’t enough. Not now. I stared at him while he stared at m e. She looked at him. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I glanced at her then back at him. The anguish in his eyes let me know what she said was true and what they did together was true. Just seeing his eyes, made my heart break into two. This man th at I loved for eight years, this man who just proposed to me in the most perfect way, this man who this whole time had betrayed my trust all this time. She opened her mouth to speak this time and he held his hand up to silence her. Her hand tightened aroun d the white paper she had. My heart thumped loudly. There had to be two possible results on a paper like that: pregnancy or a disease. I prayed it wasn’t a disease. For the life that I carried in my body would be in danger. I was just telling him that I wa s pregnant with his child when she barged in. Still in the back of my head, I wonder how she found us. He had taken me out to dinner to my favorite restaurant and we went to his suite he rented for the night. I closed my eyes, hoping it would go away but w hen I opened them she was still there. The pain began fresh all over again. She stomped forward and smacked the paper into his chest.
                  “I’m pregnant!”  I dropped my head, and then snatched off the ring he just gave me a few moments ago.
                  “Please don’t take that off!” he protested. I walked by him, smacking the ring into his chest on top of that paper. I grabbed my coat and purse then headed towards the door. “Ramona! Stop!”
                  “No she can go.  You have to take care of your child. She is the other woman.” I st opped and turn around. To be called the other woman to a man I’ve been with for eight years was way out of line.
                  “No Monique. You’re the other woman.”
                  “You told me you love me!’’ she screamed.
                  “I don’t love you okay now you got to get out here.” He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the door.
                  “No stop lying. You do love me. You’re just saying that because she is standing there.”
                  ‘GET OUT!” he yelled, flinging her out the open door.
                  “Ray!” He slammed the door and look at me with the most piti ful face ever.
                  “Ramona listen..I..I. didn’t mean for you to find out this way. I’m so sorry.” I shook my head.
                  “If she didn’t showed up you were never going to tell me were you?”
                  “Thought so. By the way I’m pregnant too.” I turned and left the room. Once inside the elevator, I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. The door opened and I walked quietly to my car in the garage. I snatched open the door and stopped. “What the hell? You have a lot of nerve.”
                  “I don’t care what you two had it’s over now . When he comes to his senses, we are going to be together and raise our child.”
                  “Well I got news for you honey. You and your baby won’t be the only ones in the picture,” I patted my belly and continued “I got his baby.”
                  “Not before me. September 6 th .” S he shot back.
                  “August 5 th ” I sneered, “You have a nice day.” I got in my car and slammed the door. I started the car and pulled out fast. She jumped out of the way and I sped off. I pulled out the garage and went the opposite way of my ho use. If I knew Ray like I did, he would be sitting on the couch waiting for me, with that damned

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