THEM (Season 1): Episode 2
up in the air. “Okay, so let’s say that what you’re telling me is true. Why me?”
    They looked at each other. “Because, we’re talking about potentially creating a whole new classification of enhanced humans. That’s a lot of power to give someone, and it can’t just be trusted to anyone. If the wrong people were enhanced, or if they got their hands on the means—it could be disastrous.”
    “So, I’m one of the few people you can trust.”
    “Exactly.” The captain sat back down again. “Besides that, one person won’t be enough. We’d need the first candidates to travel and recruit people who are mentally and emotionally stable, and who are absolutely trustworthy. We cannot get this wrong.”
    It was still just a little too much to process. “I need to think on this, and I also need to get back to my people.”
    The doc raised her hands in a gesture of supplication. “I understand, but just remember that we don’t have a lot of time to waste. The ’thropes in the Corridor have been gathering up humans from the settlements, and for what I have not a clue. But they’re up to something, something big. I have a feeling that if we don’t act quickly, we’ll end up wishing we hadn’t waited to act.”
    Gabby was looking at me with those big brown eyes, laying the guilt trip on me. I wasn’t having it. “I’m going to go check on Bobby—do not, under any circumstances, drug him again. If you do, there’s absolutely no chance I’ll even consider this—plan of yours. Am I understood?”
    Captain Perez simply nodded. “Sure, whatever you say. But just don’t take too long to decide. There’s a lot more at stake than your friends in the safe zone.”
    - - -
    I stormed back to the room where we’d left Bobby, and he was breathing nice and steady when I walked in. I sat down in a chair, propped my weapon up against the wall, and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I didn’t know what I was going to do about everything the doc had just told me, but I at least I could think about it on my way back to the settlement.
    Then, Bobby cracked an eye at me and whispered out of the corner of his mouth. “Is that bitch going to shoot me again?”
    Despite myself I had to chuckle. “Figured you were still out.” I shook my head. “No, I don’t think so, but just in case be on your guard around her. I don’t think they call her ‘The Spider’ for nothing.”
    He nodded and sat up. “In that case, I’ve been awake for a while. She must’ve underestimated how fast my metabolism is or something.”
    “Naw, she was just planning on locking you up while you were still groggy. I think she wanted us to split while you were out.”
    “That’s coldhearted, man—just cold-blooded.” He paused. “Are spiders cold-blooded?”
    “I think this one is. You hear what we were talking about?”
    “Most of it. That’s some heavy-duty shit. What’re you gonna do?”
    “I don’t know, but I’m leaning toward not having my genetic makeup permanently altered by a mad scientist with a hard-on for destruction. What do you think?”
    He cocked his head like a dog listening to something only he can hear. “Shhh—she’s coming.” Bobby plopped back down on the table and feigned incapacitation, snoring overdramatically in the attempt.
    The captain walked into the room with Gabby on her heels. She looked at Bobby like he was roadkill gone rotten. “I see that the mutt is up.”
    Bobby cracked an eye and stuck his tongue out at her, and then he sat up. “I don’t know what you shot me up with, Doc, but that’s the best nap I’ve had in a long time.” He turned and whispered to me behind his hand, pointing at the doc. “I think someone needs a Pamprin.”
    She glared daggers at him. “If you keep it up, I will shoot you again.”
    I cleared my throat to interrupt. “I guess I should make introductions all the way around. Bobby, meet Captain Perez, lately itinerant mad scientist employed by the US

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