A New York Love Story

Free A New York Love Story by Cassie Rocca

Book: A New York Love Story by Cassie Rocca Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Rocca
non-existent. Then there are the envious people, who are potentially very dangerous. You never know when people’s affection is sincere. Do you think that the teenage girls that scream with joy on seeing me would do it if I were a simple mechanic?”
    Clover pictured him in working clothes, dirty with grease and smelling of gasoline, and let out an involuntary moan. She was sure that women would adore him even covered with motor oil!
    She shook her head to clear out her thoughts. “Yes, I understand. Honestly, I always appreciate attention in my small intimate world; yet I couldn’t stand such an invasion of my privacy. And I probably wouldn’t trust anybody, if I were rich and famous.”
    She turned her back to the scene on the square and observed him, “Why did you decide to become an actor?”
    â€œIt wasn’t exactly a deliberate choice. I went to a casting call almost for fun. I was with two friends who had taken an acting class at college with me. So, I began with getting small parts in TV series, then moved on to some more central roles in films. Four years ago I got the main part in a movie that has been very successful. And here I am. Celebrity has become an unstoppable avalanche. It’s difficult to maintain any semblance of normality as a public figure, even though I try really hard.”
    â€œHave you ever regretted becoming an actor?”
    â€œNot really. Every step I’ve taken – right or wrong – has led me to where I am today.”
    â€œBut if you weren’t so famous, you wouldn’t have to hide…”
    â€œTrue, but I wouldn’t be here in New York with you to enjoy this Christmas tradition.” Another dazzling smile.
    Clover looked away to give herself time to calm down and return to normal.
    â€œConsidering how much you care about the Christmas spirit, I don’t know if this is really a good thing or not!” she joked.
    â€œWho knows? Maybe thanks to you, I will regain my childhood enthusiasm for the holidays.”
    Mariah Carey’s voice suddenly attracted Clover’s attention. Her eyes lit up as she sang along softly to
All I Want for Christmas
, swaying to the rhythm of one of her favorite holiday songs.
    A few moments later Cade asked, “And what about you? While we were racing to get here, you inundated me with information about the giant tree, the lighting, and the history of this tradition. You didn’t tell me anything about you. I only know your last name is O’Brian. Do you have Irish origins?”
    â€œYes, my grandfather was born in Ireland, but he moved to America when he was quite young. I’ve never visited Ireland, although I would love to. Do you have anything else you are curious about? I’m not such interesting subject, believe me.”
    â€œSure, I’m full of curiosity…”
    â€œActually, I think my life is dull and boring compared to yours.”
    â€œYou’re kidding! I’m sure that you’ve had many interesting adventures with – how shall I say – your outspoken character!”
    Clover laughed softly, shaking her head. “Frankly, my temper has only brought me lots of disappointments. Not everybody likes to deal with a hot-head like me…”
    â€œAre you fishing for compliments?”
    â€œWell, not exactly the kind of compliments
used to getting… I’m just looking for some sincere admiration, not empty adulation…” Clover answered. “Actually, I
used to
look for it, but I gave up a long time ago!”
    Cade didn’t have time to reply, since the music and singing had stopped, and the countdown had begun.
    â€œWe are almost there!” Clover, full of excitement, took off her coat and threw it on the bed.
    â€œNice dress.”
    Shit! She had taken off her coat without even thinking. She had decided not to show her funky, unglamorous dress to Cade Harrison! She glanced at him,

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