The Mystery of the Lost Village

Free The Mystery of the Lost Village by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Book: The Mystery of the Lost Village by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Tags: Ebook, book
pretended to do battle in the center of the ring. At the end, one of them waved his spear and moved into a fast war dance as the drumbeats reached a climax.
    Then everyone held hands as they joined in a closing song, watching as the huge bonfire turned to embers.
    â€œI’ll always remember this, won’t you?” Violet whispered to Jessie.
    Jessie nodded, swaying to the music. She knew that she would never forget her Navajo friends and everything they had taught her.

    A Day in Court
    B enny woke up after everyone else the next morning, and the aroma of sizzling bacon lured him downstairs. Mrs. Lightfeather smiled when she saw his rumpled hair and motioned him to a seat at the breakfast table.
    â€œDon’t worry, Benny,” she assured him. “We saved plenty of hotcakes for you.”
    â€œBut eat fast,” Joe said, draining his glass of orange juice. “Dad’s already loading the artifacts into the truck. The council meeting starts in half an hour.”
    The phone rang, and Mrs. Lightfeather hurried to answer it. After a brief conversation, she looked very happy and took Violet’s hand in hers. “I have a wonderful surprise for you, Violet. The police found your bowl. It’s going to be part of the evidence this morning.”
    â€œThey found my bowl?” Violet was thrilled. She knew she couldn’t keep it, but she was glad it would help prove their case.
    â€œRita Neville had it stashed away in her motel room. It’s in perfect condition, and one of the elders says it looks like it was made a long time ago. It’s priceless.”
    â€œAre they going to look at my arrowheads?” Benny asked.
    â€œSure they are,” Joe told him. “And they may even let you keep one, right, Mom?”
    â€œMaybe,” Mrs. Lightfeather answered. “That’s for the elders to decide.”
    â€œIs this going to be like a real trial?” Violet asked. She felt a little nervous and wondered if she would have to tell her story in front of a room full of people.
    â€œNo, it’s more like a hearing. All the elders will be there, and they’ve invited a local judge to attend. He’s the only one who can order the developer to stop.”
    â€œThe site will be preserved,” said Amy.
    â€œIf he agrees it’s worth saving,” Henry said.
    â€œEverybody ready?” Mr. Lightfeather suddenly appeared in the doorway.
    â€œWe’re on our way!” Benny grabbed a piece of bacon and scooted off his chair. He hoped he could show off his arrowheads.
    The council meeting was held in the main lodge. Dozens of people were already seated in the large, airy hall when the Aldens trooped in with the Lightfeathers.
    Mr. Lightfeather and the others carefully placed the artifacts on a long wooden table in the front of the room. As soon as they were finished, Kinowok rapped his gavel and called the meeting to order. Joe noticed that a gray-haired woman in a dark suit was standing next to Kinowok at the podium.
    â€œPlease be seated,” he said, pointing to a row of folding chairs. “I’d like the Aldens and the Lightfeathers to sit up front, so they can testify, if need be.”

    Kinowok waited until everyone had sat down, and then introduced his guest. “This is Judge Tompkins, from Superior Court,” he said. There was a low murmur of approval from the crowd when the gray-haired woman nodded. “I think most of you know her, and know that she is a fair woman. She is here today to hear our story, to see our evidence, and to decide the fate of our forest.” Kinowok paused. I turn this meeting over to the judge.” He handed the gavel to Judge Tompkins and took his seat with the tribal elders.
    â€œWhat happens now?” Benny whispered to Amy.
    â€œI guess we’ll have a chance to tell her about the artifacts — ” she began, when a noise at the back of the room distracted her.

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