Rock My Heart

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Book: Rock My Heart by Selene Chardou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selene Chardou
Tags: Scarlet Fever#1
was left with his ugly thoughts.
    If Kaz was smart, he would have raced to McCarran, caught the first plane smoking and tried to fix the issues between him and Syd immediately.
    There was a stubborn part of him that refused to adhere to anyone’s goals or expectations for him and this side won out in the end. He would win Syd back but their whole struggle would have to take place the following day when he returned home from Vegas.

    Chapter Nine


    I HAD TO admit by the time Cillian picked me up, I was beyond angry.
    It might have had to do with what Talia had shown me but more than the photos were the deception and lies about what Kaz’s life was like. Everything became so clear and all the sudden, the puzzle pieces fit into place.
    I understood now how he ended up with Keren and why they’d had such a volatile relationship. Talia couldn’t tell me much but that was okay; I had Cillian and I planned to make him tell me everything I wanted to know or he would be staying at the clubhouse or a hotel that night.
    I was in a no-bullshit kind of mood and no one was going to ruin this for me. I needed to know the truth because if Kaz and I were going to make this right then I needed the whole truth and nothing but.
    “How was your day with Tal?” Cillian wondered as he drove us back to the home I shared with Kaz.
    “Pretty uneventful and girly until she showed me the photo album.” My eyes were cold but I couldn’t help the sheer feeling of betrayal.
    I didn’t know Kaz at all and that is what hurt me the most. I’d spent all this time with a stranger.
    “Oh, yeah…that.” Cillian sighed out loud. “If it’s any consolation, he didn’t tell you because he’s deeply ashamed and embarrassed about that time in his life. He was searching for a father figure because the man he was raised with certainly did a bang-up fucking job. How was he supposed to know that the worst thing about growing up with no father figure at all is growing up with a father like ours? Dizzy isn’t likely to win any ‘Father of the Year’ awards any time soon.”
    “That’s bullshit, and we both know it. I didn’t grow up with my real father either. My grandfather was my father figure and I love him with all my heart. I was completely open and honest about my childhood and I only expected the same from him. I didn’t believe for one second he would drop little nuggets into my lap and then expect me to be happy with them. I couldn’t fathom talking to him right now because I don’t want to hear his excuses and lies.” I pulled my long blonde hair into a bun and decided I needed to make an appointment at the hairdresser. I needed at least three inches cut off.
    “Well, to be fair…he didn’t lie to you—he simply omitted the truth.” Cillian pulled into the large garage and parked the Escalade. “I mean, did you really want to hear about the kind of crimes he committed while he was an LS member? Do you want to become an accessory after the fact when you two aren’t married and there isn’t anything in place to stop some lousy Fed from making you spill everything you know? He was doing you a favor and right now, you’re acting extremely fucking selfish about a situation you don’t know shit about.”
    I got out of the car and felt slightly woozy on my feet before the nausea passed and I was able to walk inside the ostentatious mansion I now called my home.
    This was my abode and I couldn’t just run back to my mother and grandfather because life hadn’t worked out the way I thought it would with my rock god.
    I tried to think of what had me so on edge at that very moment before I grabbed a bottle of Evian out of the fridge and slammed it with my right foot.
    “You know what irritates me?” I turned on Cillian who’d already poured himself a tumbler of Jack Daniels and glared at me intently with those crystal blue eyes. “You act like

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