Rock My Heart

Free Rock My Heart by Selene Chardou

Book: Rock My Heart by Selene Chardou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selene Chardou
Tags: Scarlet Fever#1
make you leave him. He can’t handle being in love with you and that is just one fact you’re going to have to face about him.”
    If my jaw could have dropped to the floor, it would have.
    All this time, Kaz and I had been living a lie because he’d neglected to tell me something that was still a major part of his life.
    Anyway I cut it, sliced it or diced it, the father of my child was not only a rock star but a criminal and a gang member.

    Chapter Eight

    Burying The Past

    KAZ HAD LEFT dinner early, feigning a headache and paced in his guest suite as he spoke to Cillian.
    “Have you told her anything?”
    “Course not. I’m not a total eejit, brother,” Cillian replied in a casual voice. “ Deartháir, is gá duit a insint gach rud di . It’s the only way you’re going to save what you’ve got.”
    Kaz sighed in an exasperated manner. “No, I don’t have to tell her a fucking thing because she will hate me if I’m that honest with her…and for Christ’s sake, speak fucking English. I hate when you break into that Gaelic shit.”
    “Sorry…it’s kind of a default thing when I get nervous and right now, my nerves are on edge because your old lady is having a nice, long conversation with Talia.”
    “So? She knows fuck all about the past. Jaden wouldn’t be that stupid.” Kaz sat on the bed and wished he had a drink. He desperately needed one and only something in the scotch or whiskey family would do.
    Cillian laughed out loud. “Jesus, man. Are you sure you two are best friends as well as brothers? The man is pussy-whipped over that broad. She knows much too much about the club and if he doesn’t make her his old lady soon, Dad is gonna get an itchy trigger finger.”
    “Trey Lennon is not a threat. He and Talia can’t stand one another and she certainly wouldn’t tell him shit. She is in love with Jaden—blood relation or not, he is merely her cousin and she wouldn’t give him anything on LS. She isn’t that stupid.”
    “Stupid or not, Trey is Trista’s brother and Trista is staying with her. Talia is trying to keep everything hush-hush but the girl is too terrified to say a word about anything that went down in Pine Bluff. She has no friends and the only person she talks to is Lennon ‘Linx’ Carter. I highly doubt they talk about club shit though—he’s from south Boston and almost ended up a carbon copy of her brother. He’s not the type to say shit even if she told him anything of importance. Bostonians, especially those from the rougher parts of the city, know how to keep their mouths closed and he’s got too much on the line, including an ex-wife and two wee ones.”
    Kaz placed his brother on speaker phone, rubbed his temples and tried to concentrate as he sat on the bed. “What can Talia tell Sydney?”
    “It isn’t what Talia can tell Sydney…it’s what she can show her. Jaden got paranoid because although he’s trying to desperately end things with Faith, well, they aren’t going as planned. Sometimes, Faith has been over to his house and he caught her going through some of his shit. He got spooked and gave Talia the photo album. That way Faith can’t get hold of it and in a fit of jealousy, sell the photos to the tabloids. It would be a disaster for the club and your band. Dad would have her murdered behind it—Jaden knew that and so do you.”
    “Fuck…that photo of you, Jaden and me with Dad standing next to us is in there.”
    “And what’s to say she doesn’t already know about it?” Cillian paused. “Shit, it’s Syd on the other line. Gotta go little brother but why don’t you wait until you get home to tell her? I have a feeling she isn’t going to want to talk to you tonight.”
    Kaz hung up the phone and it took everything in him not to smash it into a million pieces. He set it on the bedside table and rifled through his suitcase until he found an emergency

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