Second Look (A New Beginning Book 3)

Free Second Look (A New Beginning Book 3) by Connie Stephany

Book: Second Look (A New Beginning Book 3) by Connie Stephany Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Stephany
Tags: Fiction
    Rob paused because at that point he had a long and painful coughing fit. Jennifer handed him water and he sipped until the coughing subsided.
    “It would mean the world to me if you would talk to him.”
    What was she supposed to say? He’s a dying man. Enough said.
    “Okay. For you, I will.”
    Rob’s tired, dull eyes lit up for the briefest of moments.
    “Thank you, Jennifer. It’s funny. I always thought you two would end up together. I guess I was wrong.”
    Again, she shrugged her shoulders. She seemed to be at a loss for words.
    “Do you have a picture of that little girl of yours?”
    Jennifer smiled. “Absolutely.”
    She grabbed the hospital badge she wore and flipped it over. She started taping Amber’s latest picture onto the back of her badge to always have her there when she was at work.
    His voice was soft when he said, “She’s beautiful. Looks just like you.”
    Another coughing fit wracked Rob’s frail form. It looked so painful and the talking wasn’t helping much. Jennifer could tell he was very tired, so it was time for her to go.
    “I’ll leave you to rest. I wish I were seeing you under better circumstances.”
    “It was really good to see you, Jennifer. I wish you the best in the future. Take good care of that little girl of yours.”
    “I will.”
    Jennifer leaned down, gave him a hug and then walked out of the room as fast as possible. She didn’t want him to see the tears streaming down her face. This could be the last time she would see him.
    Her heart broke for their family.
    As she left the hospital, she tried to prepare herself for the inevitable. Not only would she have to attend the funeral for a man she once thought would be her father-in-law, but she would also place a phone call to Adam because she made a promise to a dying man.
    She didn’t look forward to either.
    After Jennifer got Amber into bed that evening, she called Mandi. They talked for a long time. Mandi knew her dad’s time was very short and was trying to come to terms with it.
    “How’s your mom?”
    “She keeps a strong front, but I know she’s barely hanging on.”
    Jennifer could hear Mandi’s voice crack again and the tears started to fall down her own cheeks again.
    Several seconds later, she calmed down enough to ask a question she may eventually regret.
    “How’s Adam doing?”
    Mandi paused for several seconds and Jennifer could only imagine what she was thinking. It was the first time she asked about Adam in a very long time.
    “He’s trying to be strong for me and my mom. But truthfully, he’s not doing very well.”
    Jennifer sighed. “I can only imagine. I’m sorry.”
    “I don’t think my dad has much longer. I am not going to be able to handle this very well.” Mandi’s voice was strained.
    “I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry and I love you.”
    It was such a hard conversation. Mandi was right that he didn’t have much time based on how he looked and it was hard to accept.
    “I know. I’m so glad you’re here, Jennifer.” Mandi started to cry again. “I don’t know what I’d do without my best friends to support me.”
    “Me too. I wish I could come give you a hug right now.”
    Jennifer couldn’t help but start to cry again.
    The girls hung up a few minutes later and she didn’t think she had any tears left.
    She had an overwhelming desire to call Adam, but she didn’t want to cause him additional stress. Considering how much they had to discuss, now just wasn’t the right time.
    Jennifer hoped not calling would be the least selfish thing she could do, not the other way around.

Chapter Five

    Boys don’t cry
    The phone call Adam received at work earlier in the week had chilled him to the bone. His dad was in the hospital.
    He wasn’t stupid. People with cancer often times died from complications like influenza or pneumonia. It terrified him.
    As soon as he got the phone call, he left work and headed

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