Riss Series 5: The Riss Challenge

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Book: Riss Series 5: The Riss Challenge by C. R. Daems Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. R. Daems
Tags: Science-Fiction
is due to depart. We will need to be in position shortly after he leaves. Our job will be to destroy the new Admiral's fleet. Until then, have your detached units work with the Freelanders on the Mnemosyne."
    "Sounds like fun. I'm looking forward to parting with you and the JPU." Damaass raised his glass to me and gulped down the remaining contents.
    * * *
    A week later, I sat in Admiral Neifeh's shuttle on the way to the Invincible. Lieutenant Henrick had shown up without notice and invited me to a meeting with Neifeh. When I exited the shuttle, I was led at a quick step to a conference room, where Neifeh and another Admiral of lower rank sat. When Henrick closed the door behind us, Neifeh rose.
    "Admiral Huber, this is the old bitch Ioana. Although she has been a pain in my ass, I have to admit she did help to get the Riss and Raiders to cooperate in upgrading my fleet." He sneered in my direction. "Admiral Huber commands the Sentinel and is the new Freeland station commander. I will be leaving as soon as the last two Lights are finished being upgraded. If they are on schedule, that should be in five days."
    "I'm sure Ioana and I will reach an equally agreeable arrangement," Huber said, in a tune dripping with sarcasm. "It's my understanding that the Riss have voice boxes that speak standard. You might want them to find those boxes."
    "They have been destroyed. They decided if you were going to treat them like dumb animals, they would act accordingly."
    "They and the Raiders will do as they are told and will speak when spoken to. Is that clear bitch Ioana?"
    "Very, Admiral Huber. But the Riss don't listen to me. I'm just their spokesperson."
    "I'll kill every Riss that won't answer when spoken to. Is that understood, spokeswoman?" Huber eyes shined with excitement.
    "I'll tell them, but I've no control over what they will do—"
    Neifeh grabbed me by my jacket and jerked me off the floor. It took every bit of self-control not to rupture his eardrums with my open palms, as my arms were free to move.
    "Look bitch, if my cruisers aren't ready to leave in four days, I'll have you skinned alive and mounted on my cabin wall." He drove his fist into my side, and I felt a rib crack. Hanging like a rag doll, I couldn't avoid the full impact of the blow. Blood trickled from my mouth, and I produced a weak smile.
    "One more should do the trick, Admiral. I'm more than ready," I said, wrapping my arms around me. He seemed to get control of himself, realizing I meant he could kill me, and knew if he did, the Riss would stop working, and his schedule would be interrupted.
    "Henrick, take her back to Freeland."
    "I'll make sure the universe knows the price of defying the JPU..." I heard Huber saying as Henrick supported me out the door and into the hallway.
    * * *
    "How does it feel to be returning to the Mnemosyne?" Anca Sa'Veltre asked as the Riss fighter rose into the night sky. The choice of using multiple engines made it ideal for operating on the planet as well as in space.
    "I'm relieved this phase of the occupation has finally arrived—the chance to free Freeland from the JPU, and I'm looking forward to being in space again. How is it going with the Wraiths, Commander Sa'Veltre?"
    "Great. The Mnemosyne is an amazing ship, the Wraiths are exciting to fly, and thanks to Commander Vanbeck and his squadron of Ghosts on the Minerva, we've learned a lot about fighting in stealth fighters. We have a lot to learn, but ironically we may be a bit better off than the Ghosts. Because the Wraiths had to be adapted for use on a planet, we have a visual window and therefore have some idea where our comrades are."
    "That has always been a problem with the Ghosts," I

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