Riss Series 5: The Riss Challenge

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Book: Riss Series 5: The Riss Challenge by C. R. Daems Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. R. Daems
Tags: Science-Fiction
said. "Any other concerns?"
    "No, the Riss are wonderful to be around, the troops are excited to be Wraiths, and they are looking forward to helping you get rid of the JPU invaders," she said. I spent the next hour playing with the weapons controls under Anca's directions.
    When I exited the Wraith, Terril stood waiting with another man dressed in a dark blue uniform. On his right arm was a black patch with blue and a grey-banded Krait in the middle and two scrolls with the words "First," and "Blue Kraits." He had the standard black and grey Aiguillettes on his shoulder.
    "Your security detail, Leader Reese," she said with a determined look that warned me there were no more exceptions. I knew it had driven her crazy she couldn't follow me on Freeland.
    "Yes, Master Gunnery Sergeant Terril, permanent and no exceptions." I smiled, and the muscles in her face relaxed. I made my way to the Bridge. Entering, it felt like I had been reborn as my sisters welcomed me back.
    Damaass's smiling face appeared on the monitor. "Party time?"
     "Time to slowly get into position. Once we are within a light-second of the main group, we can determine specific assignments. Neifeh is leaving tomorrow, and unless I'm mistaken, it won't take the new Admiral long to begin his reign of terror. If we are in position, hopefully we can limit the damage. Maintain tight-beam communications," I said, cutting the connection.
     I asked Thalia. Looking old didn't affect my energy level, but I wanted to look normal again.
     An image of me slowly changing. My tattoo returned, skin tightened somewhat, age spots disappeared, and I straightened up a bit. The image looked to be about sixty rather than ninety.
     I sent and proceeded to my cabin, crawled into bed, and let Thalia work her magic. When I woke, I showered, examined the results in a mirror, and dressed.
    When I opened the door, Terril and another Krait stood in the hallway. He stood with his mouth open. Terril frowned.
    "I'll feel better when I can fight with you without thinking you are going to have a heart attack." A twitch of a smile touched her lips.
    "Life is good, Terril. I'm even enjoying your nagging," I said as I made my way down the hallway to the conference room. At the door, the Krait inspected the room and then opened the door wide for me. Terril had obviously been drilling them on security procedures.
    "Attention," Anca shouted, and everyone bolted to their feet.
    "At ease," I said, still struggling with the balance between this being a Riss ship and the need to maintain military discipline.
    "Commander Ja'Kazak, any problems or concerns?"
    "No, ma'am. The Mnemosyne is a great ship, and the last couple of months have given us a chance to get adjusted and do some real flying. We obviously need experience, but we're as ready as we can be under the circumstances," he said, looking to Anca, who nodded agreement.
    "Colonel Ja'Shar, do you have any problems or concerns?"
    "No, Gunny Terril has managed to beat our inflated view of ourselves out of us and enlighten us as to the difference between Raiders and commandos. Like Commander Ja'Kazak, I believe we are as ready as we can be under the circumstances. I would like to introduce Lieutenant Ja'Dalle, my second in command." He nodded to the stocky scarred-faced man next to him, who stood and gave a short bow.
    "Congratulations, Lieutenant Ja'Dalle," I said, nodding in his direction. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your units. This is a Riss ship, so it won't be uncommon to see me wandering the ship, visiting your sections, and talking with your people. It's just part of the relaxed environment of a Riss ship,

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