Astro-Knights Island

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Book: Astro-Knights Island by Tracey West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey West
climb the—whoa!”
    A large ball of snow came tumbling down the mountainside. Alice looked up and saw more giant snowballs rolling down.
    â€œThis is definitely
like anything back home,” Simon remarked.
    â€œNobody said rescuing the Princess was going to be easy,” Alice said, reminding him of his earlier statement. “We’ll just have to dodge them.”
    They quickly made their way up the snowy mountain, jumping from one ledge to another and dodging more big snowballs along the way. When they reached the top, Simon let out a cry.
    â€œSir Gawain! We found you!”
    Sir Gawain’s ice-blue armor was dripping with ice crystals. The knight’s face was hidden behind his helmet, but his eyes looked shocked to see Alice and Simon.
    â€œThe stable boy and the girl who brings me breakfast?” he asked in disbelief. “But how did you get here?”
    â€œIt’s a long story,” Simon replied. “The king sent us to find you—and the Princess, of course. Have you seen her? And where are the other knights?”
    The knight’s eyes looked sad. “I do not know where my comrades are. We split up so we could search the planets and find the Princess. I crash-landed here weeks ago. I have had nothing to eat but fish, and no hope of escape until I saw you two. I am in your debt.”
    He bowed his head respectfully to them.
    â€œAnd no sign of the Princess?” Simon asked.
    â€œA fierce beast lives over that ridge,” he said, pointing west. “I fear he is guarding the Princess. But I am too weak to fight him.”
    Simon felt that jolt of courage once more. “I can fight him!”
    â€œAnd I’ll help you,” Alice promised.
    The knight handed the crystal Force Shield to Simon. “The shield can protect only one of you.”
    â€œThen I’m going,” Simon said firmly. “Wait here for me. And if something happens, get back to the rocket and get out of here.”
    â€œWe’re not leaving without you,” Alice promised, hugging him. “You’re going to succeed. I know it!”
    â€œI hope so,” Simon said. He broke away from her and put the crystal around his neck. A soft, glowing orb of light surrounded him.
    He walked to the ridge. “Okay, beast. Where are you?”
    Beyond the ridge he could see only an endless plain of white snow. Then a strange, rumbling sound echoed off the mountainside. The ground beneath his feet began to shake. A wind whipped up as a giant creature rose up from behind the ridge.
    â€œWhat is that?” Simon whispered, staring at the beast. It looked like a ferocious tiger made of metal, but it was also a flying machine with a large propeller on top. Stripes marked the beast’s body, and three round yellow lights glowed on the side of the craft.
    â€œIt’s some kind of Tiger Copter!” Alice shouted behind him. She had seen pictures of helicopters in the books in the Castle library.
    The Tiger Copter was a terrifying sight, but the shield surrounding him gave Simon confidence.
    â€œI am Simon of the Stables!” he called out bravely. “I have come to rescue Princess Elyana!”

Chapter Sixteen
    Guardian of the Cage
    The Tiger Copter responded by shooting a barrage of snowballs at Simon. He tried to dodge them, but one hit the shield and bounced right off.
    So the shield deflects the snowballs,
Simon realized. He wouldn’t get hurt as long as the shield held. But how could he do any damage to the copter without a weapon of his own?
Another snowball hit the shield and bounced off, but this time it hit the Tiger Copter, and one of its yellow lights flickered.
    â€œOf course!” Simon cried. “I can use its own weapons against it!”
    Simon kept an eye on the copter so he could try to get into the best position to bounce the snowballs back at the beast.
    Bop! Bop!
He knocked two snowballs right back at the copter. The beast

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