Frozen Vengeance

Free Frozen Vengeance by Evi Asher

Book: Frozen Vengeance by Evi Asher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evi Asher
damage this evening.” He shot a glare at her, who shrugged and leaned back further in the couch she was sitting in.
    “Scarlet doesn’t have to go with Archer. Trinity and I will go.”
    Athera tried for reasonableness, but the plan failed when Scarlet spluttered and said, “No, you are so not benching me.”
    “Trinity, go over it again, while Archer and Scarlet cool their tempers.”
    There were several snorts when Dimi spoke. The irony of a chaos demon with a legendary temper lecturing the others was too much.
    “Okay.” Trinity smiled with an air of indulgence and sat forward in the couch. “The best way I can think of to find Angelica is by setting a blood hound on her, and the only Eternals I know who actively tracked Phoenix back in the days of the Mesolithic period is the Necromancers.”
    She paused for a bright smile, and Athera rolled her eyes. She loved her best friend, but when Trinity got a chance, she was a drama queen and an attention whore.
    “I happen to know a handy Necromancer who isn’t totally evil, but might know how to track and find Angelica. Problem solved.”
    “No, problem not solved,” Archer interjected. “You want to take my mate—a phoenix—to a necromancer, the same breed that would enslave her and suck her dry of all her powers if given half a chance.
    “Hey, she’s not the only phoenix going,” Athera pointed out.
    Archer’s dark look told her that Scarlet was the phoenix that mattered most.
    She raised her hands in surrender. There was no fighting a male in protective mode.
    “Go with them,” Zane said from the door, as he sipped from a black mug.
    Athera didn’t want to think about what was in the mug. Zane was a vampire that drank only animal blood.
    Poor bunny .
    “What?” Archer turned to the blond vampire.
    “If you are so worried about the Necromancer, go with them. You’ll be there to provide security, and take Poe with you, or even better, take me.”
    “I need you at reception, Zane,” Dimi said.
    Zane shrugged. “Danni can handle reception.”
    Athera looked over at Danni and had to agree she was a bit of an airhead, and keeping her out of the line of fire was best for them all.
    “Done,” she said.
    Archer raised a hand. “Not so fast.”
    Scarlet stopped him. “No—enough. I’m going. You can come with us to see the necromancer, or you can stay here, wolf, but I’m going. So make up your mind.”
    Athera saw the moment that Archer decided the fight had been lost. He looked down at his little mate with love in his eyes, sighed and said, “Fine.”
    They had driven an hour to get to the town where the Necromancer lived and Athera was more than happy to get out of the cramped car and the dark atmosphere when they stopped in front of a large house.
    Security had stopped them at the gate and Trinity had flashed a toothy smile and told the guard that she was expected.
    He’d given them a look, Archer, and Zane’s large bodies taking up all the spare room in the car, and had frowned, but he’d gone into the gatehouse, and a moment later, the gate had opened.
    Athera opened the door and got out. Cramped did not adequately explain the five of them stuffed into a Mini Cooper, and when they started climbing out of it, it looked like a clown car expelling its contents.
    Zane stretched, and glared at Trinity. “I’m never driving in that tiny little car again, Trin. I don’t care how many of your toys you throw out your crib.”
    She waltzed up to him and pinched his cheek. “But, baby cakes, the Mini was the best way to keep you close to me.”
    The vampire blushed and Trinity laughed. “Come now, everyone. It is time to meet the big bad necromancer.”
    The front of the house was a gothic construction replete with gargoyles and stone latticework. Athera gave the place a weary look, but followed Trinity up the stairs. She was right behind the witch when Trinity pulled back the knocker—in a gargoyles mouth—and let it fall. The sound was

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