The Snuffbox Murders

Free The Snuffbox Murders by Roger Silverwood

Book: The Snuffbox Murders by Roger Silverwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Silverwood
Razzle,’ he said, then he pointed to a small corner of the showroom where there were four chairs around a small table. Catalogues and leaflets were scattered on safes; also on display were vaults, security grilles, unbreakable glass, containers of non-drying paint and so on. ‘Is here OK, or do you want to go to my office?’
    ‘Here’s just fine,’ Angel said.
    They sat down.
    ‘What did you have to do with the building of Charles Razzle’s workshop?’
    ‘I supplied and fitted the door. That’s all.’
    ‘Have you any idea who blocked up the air vents and made that room the secure room it is?’
    ‘I believe he did it all himself,’ Farleigh said. ‘There wouldn’t have been a lot to do to that cellar, Inspector. The door was, of course, the vulnerable part.’
    ‘Hmm. Is it easy to unlock the door from the inside? Would you need to know the combination?’
    ‘You mean if somebody was locked in there, by accident or by mistake?’
    Angel sniffed and said, ‘Or on purpose?’
    ‘Yes. He would need to know the combination.’
    ‘Hmm. How difficult is it to change the combination of the lock?’
    ‘Very easy. The door must be open. You can’t do it when it’s closed, obviously. You hold down the set button and tap a six-digit number in, that’s all. But you mustn’t forget it or you have to call me out and then opening it would take hours.’
    Angel thought for a moment, then said, ‘Mrs Razzle didn’t know the combination?’
    Farleigh gave a slight shrug. ‘No. I wouldn’t know anything about that.’
    ‘You had a good look round the room when you were building the surround and fitting the door?’
    ‘Yes. He asked me to.’
    ‘And is there another way in and out of there?’
    Farleigh grinned, not certain at first that he had heard correctly. ‘There wasn’t when I looked, I can assure you.’
    ‘Any hiding places? Is there a cubby hole, a secret place where anybody could have concealed themselves for a while?’
    ‘Like a priest’s hole?’ Farleigh said with a smile. ‘The house isn’t that old, Inspector. No. Not that I am aware of.’
    ‘Did you fit the CCTV for Mr Razzle?’
    He raised his head. ‘CCTV? It is one of the things I do. But no. I am not aware there was any CCTV in that house.’
    ‘You met Charles Razzle, of course.’
    ‘Didn’t talk much. Always seemed to be somewhere else, if you know what I mean. He just said what he wanted, I gave him a price, he agreed. That’s all there was to it.’
    Angel wasn’t surprised. ‘Can you think of anyone who would wish him dead?’
    Farleigh’s mouth dropped open, he turned to look at Angel. ‘It was an accident, surely?’
    ‘We haven’t completely ruled out foul play,’ Angel said. ‘Do you know of anyone?’
    ‘No. No, Inspector. I can’t think of anyone, but of course I don’t know the Razzles that well,’ he said. The grin returned. ‘I’m not on their Christmas-card list. I’m not in their social circle.’
    Angel squeezed his earlobe between finger and thumb. He was thinking what else he needed to ask.
    Farleigh said: ‘I shouldn’t think it was deliberate, though. Can’t see him taking his own life.’
    Angel nodded. ‘Thanks very much, Mr Farleigh.’
    Angel returned to his office and slumped down in his chair. He looked at the heap of post, circulars and reports on the desk in front of him. He sighed. He put his hands forward to begin to finger through the bumf, when the phone rang. He reached out for it.
    It was DS Taylor. ‘We’ve opened Razzle’s safe, sir.’
    ‘Yes, Don?’
    ‘And it’s empty. There’s nothing in it.’
    Angel blinked. ‘ Nothing ? Right, Don.’ He pressed the cancel button.
    He was surprised and disappointed. An empty safe that was locked was unusual. He didn’t return the phone to its cradle. After a few moments, he tapped out Taylor’s number.
    ‘Ah, Don,’ Angel said. ‘About that safe…. There’s always something in a safe. If there is no money or gold

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