Always Darkest

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Book: Always Darkest by Kimberly Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Warner
Justin Bushwhacker and that is his sister Victoria.”
    “What business do they have in Nathis?”
    Mason recounted the cover story he had given them about him courting Tori and Justin being along to chaperone.
    “You old dog,” the guard said shaking his head.   “I still need to see their marks.”
    Justin rolled up his sleeve and showed the mark Mason had put their last night.   Tori looked quickly down at her arm, hoping she hadn’t scrubbed too hard this morning.   Thankfully, it was still there.   The guard nodded his approval at Justin and then came around the back of the carriage to see Tori’s arm.   He nodded that she was okay as well.   “You know if you don’t take to Mason here, I’m single, at this very gate most days.”   He winked at her.  
    “I’ll take it under advisement.”   Tori said as nonchalantly as possible.
    “Ernie, you better quit harassing my fiancé.” Mason said laughing.
    “Fine, fine,” the guard said and stepped away motioning that they could go on.
    The river was amazing in the light of the suns.   It sparkled and gleamed far beneath the bridge.   Tori let he mind wander as she looked down at the water.   He had said fiancé. Tori knew it was just the cover up story, but hearing him call her his fiancé sounded so nice.   If only she could just stay here and get to know him…   If only she didn’t have to go back to Earth and her real life…   She stopped herself. Thinking like this was useless and harmful.   She had to go back.   Her sister was probably worried sick.   So what if she was attracted to him, and he was kind and handsome?   So what if she felt amazing at his slightest touch?   It just didn’t matter.   She had a life and she was going to be back to it soon.   He was probably just being nice to her because his granny wanted him to be courteous.   As far as the comments and the soft touches, well, he was a man and she was a moderately attractive woman that he wouldn’t have to ever see again.   Talk about the ultimate freebie!
    “Whoa girlie, you must be thinking about something pretty hard.   You are giving me a headache over here.”   Willa said.
    “Oh, I’m sorry.   I was just thinking about how I was going to explain all this to my sister.”   It wasn’t an out right lie.
    “I see.   Did you come up with anything?”
    “Well, if it’s your family you should just tell her the truth.”
    “She would have me committed!”
    “Ah, family is a lot more understanding than you think.   You should give her some credit.”
    “Maybe,” Tori said.   “But this is all kind of hard for me to believe, and I’m here.”
    Willa laughed.
    When they were about a mile out of the city Mason stopped the carriage and came around to the back. “Tori, if you wouldn’t mind moving over beside Granny, I can free Thomas now.”
    Tori complied and Mason fiddle beneath the seat again.   Soon the top of the seat was raised and he helped Thomas out.
    “That wasn’t so bad.” The old man said stretching his arms.  
    “Tori would you like to switch places with Justin?   He’s good company and all, but I prefer yours.”   Mason said winking at her.
    “Sure I would love to be with you.   I mean ride you.   Shit!   I mean ride up front with you.”   Damn it, Tori thought, she just sounded like an idiot. She knew her face was ten shades of red now.
    Mason laughed heartily and so did Willa.   Thomas just looked between the two of them.   Mason assisted Tori out of the carriage and into the seat beside him.   He got the carriage moving again and Tori stared straight ahead at the lush green landscape of the countryside, trying her best not look at him.
    “So, you would love to be with me?” Mason asked.
    “You know what I meant!”
    “I do. We have a term for when you mean to say something and say something else instead. I read somewhere that there is a term for it in your land as well. What was it

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