Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series)

Free Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series) by Amanda Anderson

Book: Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series) by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
had only a small amount of the elixir left and that would not be enough to treat a serious wound.  He was appalled and grateful at the same time.  She was risking herself to save his brother.  He looked at each of them and knew it was a choice he would never be able to make.  He prayed that life would never ask it of him.
    Euan didn’t chastise Krisi for her choice, but he couldn’t thank her either.  He stood and made his way to the others.
    Krisi looked to Evan and knew that he understood the sacrifice she had made for him.
    “Thank you Krisi.   I want ye to promise to stay safe.  I would never forgive myself if something happened to ye because of this.”
    She nodded, too choked to speak, and helped Evan stand.  He was shaky at first, but he soon gained enough strength to walk alone.  They found the others and listened quietly as Liam outlined the plan for their safe travel to Stewart lands.

    The journey took several more days than any of them had expected.  They had to remain ever vigilant and watch against another attack which made their travel slower.  It was dark when the gates swung open and they were ushered into the magnificent keep. 
    Krisi was so tired and hungry that she hardly noticed the greatness of the mighty fortress.  She had spent a great deal of time inside these walls and the beauty no longer affected her as it once had.  Now it was as much her home as any and she wanted to curl up in her bed and sleep for days.
    She stopped and her eyes found Euan.  Would they share a room?  Would he want to?
    She felt warmth sweep through her and felt Euan’s happiness and looked up to see him smiling at her.
    “Do ye doubt yer mate Lass?”  He asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
    Krisi felt a shiver work its way through her body at the deep vibration of his voice and the sweet tremor that it made inside of her.  She had no words to answer him with.  She just stood and stared at this beautiful man who was all hers.
    Euan chuckled and pulled her into his arms.  He pressed his lips to her ear and whispered.  “I will share your room every night until I am no more.  Never doubt that I want to be with you.”
    Krisi felt her cheeks grow warm at his words as well as the breath he blew over her neck.  Her breath caught in her throat and she allowed Euan to lead her inside the great keep.
    The company was met by Amelia and her son and daughter.
    “I am sorry that Henry could not be here to greet you.  He will be away for two more days, maybe more.  You are all welcome here of course.”
    Krisi frowned suddenly feeling unnaturally anxious.  She let her eyes travel around the folks standing nearby and found no one overly interested in their arrival.  She looked to Amelia and found Collin staring at her.
    “Hello Collin.  Are you well?”
    “Nay!  My mate has gone on a visit and I am required to stay here.  I could not be worse.” 
    His voice vibrated with frustration and Krisi wanted to smile, but she knew Collin would take offense.  He was a terribly serious sort of young man.  At sixteen he acted like he was twice his age, except when he was with his young mate, Hope.
    “She was well when I spoke to her last.  She was missing you though.”  She said kindly and watched as his frustration melted away for a few moments.
    “She said that?”
    “She did.  She said she would not wish to be rude, but she hoped she would be able to return to you soon.”
    Collin closed his eyes and shivered.  It was then that Lady Charlotte joined them along with her husband Richard and her brother Karic.  It was obvious that Charlotte and Karic were Fairborn, but she supposed it was because she was as well.
    She turned and found Euan staring, but not at the new comers, but at Serina, Amelia and Henry’s daughter. 
    Krisi felt jealousy bubble up inside her.  Euan couldn’t take his eyes from the enchanting young woman.  He was quivering in her presence and Krisi wanted to pull him away, but

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