Wood's Reef

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Book: Wood's Reef by Steven Becker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Becker
when the Cuban Missile Crisis was going on. The piece we picked up sure looked like it was from that era. How was I supposed to know some idiot would be following us?”
    “That's the trouble with you, Mac. You don’t think things through, or realize how your actions affect other people.”
    “Enough of the holier-than-thou crap, Mel. You’re a lawyer. You comment on stuff after it’s happened. You live your life in hindsight.”
    “Oh, big talk from the only guy who didn’t get hurt.” She pushed him again. 
    Mac told her about the skirmish outside the bar. Her eyes narrowed, not with the comfort that he hoped, but rather with scrutiny. 
    “You know they have police for that, don’t you? Trufante is sitting next to the guy that almost killed my dad and he calls you?”
    “Yeah, I already got the speech from Jules.”
    “She’s probably the best thing that’s happened to this rock since I left.”
    “Your patience for all things Keys related is duly noted. How was your flight?” he asked, hoping to diffuse her. 
    The nurse came around the corner then, saving him. “The surgeon will meet you outside his room. I don’t know if you’ll be allowed to see him yet, but the doctor will fill you in.”
    “Thanks,” Mel said as she took off down the corridor.
    “Can we just bury the hatchet for your dad’s sake? You know he means a lot to me.” He took off after her.
    “You can come, but there’s nothing you can do or say to undo this.”
    They arrived at the door to Wood’s room, and Mel looked through the observation glass at her prone father. The surgeon approached as she turned away, a loan tear in her eye. “Hello, I’m Melanie, Wood’s daughter,” she said.
    The surgeon glanced at Mac and, not receiving an introduction, went on. “He’s doing alright. We’ve got him stable, but only time is going to tell how he pulls through this.”
    “What's wrong?” Mel asked. “I just got here. No one has told me what the deal is.”
    “Lacerated liver. He took a chunk of fiberglass deep in his side. It’s going to be touch and go for a few days. Then it’s up him to let it heel. In someone his age, especially with a little wear and tear, the liver doesn’t always recover well.”
    “Is there anything I can do?” she asked emphasizing the ‘I.’ 
    “Like I said, we need some time to see how he’s going to pull through.”
    “Thanks Dr. Hanson,” she said, catching his name tag as she gave him a long look.
    The doctor walked away, and she walked back over to the observation window. Wood was on his back, a breathing tube in his mouth, wires and tubes connected to various instruments. He looked peaceful, but the IV drip was a clear signal it was drug induced. “Dammit, Mac, what am I supposed to do now? I can’t just sit here and watch him.”
    “No, that’s not what he would want,” Mac answered. “Look. You might not like this, but I’m right in the middle of this. Let Jules find the guy that ran the boat up on him. We went and saw this Navy captain yesterday. Wood didn’t trust him with the disposition of the bomb, and the guy gave me the creeps, too. He’s playing a bigger game. You want to hang with me, maybe we can figure out what’s so dammed important about this bomb.” He glanced at Wood, “He said something about Joe Ward, the VP, being involved. I don’t care much about that angle as just making sure the damn thing doesn’t go off. 
    “What’s Ward got to do with this?”
    He repeated as much as he remembered of Wood’s rant.”
    ‘That could be as big as the actual bomb exploding. Do you have any idea what would happen to the election if this got out? There are already accusations of him covering up things. He’s been able to get past all the scandals so far, but this is big. You have the key to deciding an election and the future of the country here.”
    Mac nodded, eyes down. He’d readily admit he had no political interests. “How ‘bout we

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