PICTURES OF YOU: a gripping psychological suspense thriller

Free PICTURES OF YOU: a gripping psychological suspense thriller by Diane M Dickson Page A

Book: PICTURES OF YOU: a gripping psychological suspense thriller by Diane M Dickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane M Dickson
from me. You’re still young you should meet more people.” With a final squeeze of her fingers she then let go and reached for the chilled water.
    “That’s so nice Jane. Thank you.”
    “So, what’s he like then?”
    “He’s really sweet.”
    “And where did you meet him?”
    “Oh, well it’s a bit embarrassing to be honest. I fell over and he helped me and then he came into work purely by chance and well that was how I found out, about his flat and so on. Well actually no that’s not right but anyway I met him again on the bus and that was when he told me about his room and so I said that I had a spare.”
    “So how long ago was this then?”
    “As I said round about the last time I saw you.”
    “And you didn’t know him before that?”
    “Oh crumbs, I mean. Well, don’t you think that was a bit, well, a bit irresponsible?”
    “Irresponsible. Oh I suppose it was in a way but he is so lovely and I just never had any worry about it. I do understand what you mean but it wasn’t like it seems. Well, he’s not, oh I don’t know the word, threatening. He’s not threatening, he’s so nice.”
    “But if you didn’t know anything about him it was a bit soon.”
    “Yes, yes I know but he’s so young.” It was out before she realised what she was about to say, so very keen to paint him in a good light she had let slip the one thing that was worrying her.
    “Yes, he’s only young, he’s twenty, well twenty one to be accurate.”
    “Oh, crikey. Oh I’m so sorry Mary I bet you thought I was being mean. I didn’t realise. The way you were and then that Lovely Lady thing – I thought you were having a bit of a thing. Oh I’m sorry, I jumped to a conclusion.”
    “No, no it’s fine.” She was going to get away with it, wasn’t she?
    She would have done if the phone hadn’t pinged right then and the glass hadn’t been so close, and as she grabbed her bag and spilt the water and tried to rescue the whole thing with shaking hands, the ensuing chaos said more about her mental state then any outright confession would have done.

Chapter 24
    When the spilled water had been cleared and the table tidied Mary looked at her friend and knew that now was the time to face the music and get the situation out into the open. She took a deep breath, steadied her nerve.
    “Actually Jane, I am, I mean we are – we did, you know – what you said.”
    “How old did you say he was?”
    “He’s twenty one.” As she said it Mary raised her eyes and looked at Jane directly, she didn’t blink and though her heart was pounding she kept her gaze steady and her hands curled in her lap.
    “Twenty one. He’s twenty one – Christ.” Jane swallowed hard, her eyes were popping, her mouth gaped. “He’s a kid, Mary he’s a kid. Tell me you’re making it up. Please tell me it’s not true.”
    Mary held her peace as she watched Jane process the information. “You have got to be kidding me, you let a boy, that’s what he is, a boy, you let him come and live with you. A kid you didn’t know and then, then – No. Are you really telling me that you had sex with him? Oh, I don’t believe this. How could you? What were you thinking? Mary tell me it’s not true.”
    “It is true. I met him; he came to stay with me. I was drawn to him, I couldn’t help it and then when he, well when we – oh it wasn’t like you’re making it out to be. It was wonderful. He is wonderful.”
    “No, no stop there. I don’t want to hear any more. I can’t believe this, I’m sorry Mary, I really am but I don’t think I can talk about this with you. I’m shocked. You’re old enough to be his mother, his mother. Oh – yuk, it’s as if I slept with one of Millie’s friends. It’s not right, it’s – well yes, it’s disgusting.” Jane leaned down and picked up her bag.
    “Where are you going?”
    “I don’t know, I can’t stay here with you. You appal me.” And then it came, the final thrust.

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