PICTURES OF YOU: a gripping psychological suspense thriller

Free PICTURES OF YOU: a gripping psychological suspense thriller by Diane M Dickson

Book: PICTURES OF YOU: a gripping psychological suspense thriller by Diane M Dickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane M Dickson
understood the term “a pregnant pause” neither of them spoke. Jane slid the phone back into its home on the dash.
    “Right, so. Jacob?” She waited, Mary could feel the heat spreading from her neck and into her cheeks.
    “Yes. He’s a friend. Actually, I hadn’t realised how long it is since I’d seen you. This all happened since the last time.” It wasn’t strictly true but she was thinking on her feet, trying to find her way out of the sudden maze. “He - stayed with me, just for a couple of weeks. Moved out today as a matter of fact, this morning, just before you rang. He wanted to take me out for a meal – just a thank you sort of thing.”
    “Lovely lady?” Jane had crossed her arms and turned her head to stare at the side of Mary’s blushing face. “Lovely lady?” she repeated.
    “Heh. Yes, idiot, he started calling me that. He was stuck, you see, for a bed. He had to get out of the place he was in and his new place wasn’t available ‘til today and so I put him up. He was grateful, you see, so that’s why – Lovely lady. A bit daft but, well you know, nice in a way as well.”
    “So, who is he then? Somebody from work?”
    “No, not from work. He’s just a friend.”
    “What, a friend of Bill’s?”
    “No, you know, just a friend, somebody I met.”
    “Well, where did you meet him, you never go anywhere?”
    “Oh thanks for that.”
    “No, no you know what I mean, you don’t go many places where you would meet men do you? Sorry that came out wrong.”
    “Tell you what, let’s get to the Bistro and then I’ll tell you all about it yeah?”
    “Oh, don’t feel you have to, I don’t want to be nosey.” Of course she did, it was obvious there was going to be no way to avoid this conversation. Mary had bought a little time, a space to get her thoughts straight but she was overwhelmed by the need to respond to the text…
    As soon as they had been seated in the restaurant Mary made a dash for the ladies. Inside the cubicle she opened the message. She typed quickly –
    Sorry. Was driving. Would love to meet you but I am in town with Jane. Sudden plan. Can I call you later on? – Send.
    She waited for a while but when it became clear that he wasn’t going to respond at once she had to make her way back to where Jane was reading the menu and ordering sparkling water and bread and dips. “Do you want a drink? I wasn’t sure with us both driving later.”
    “No, no absolutely. Water will be fine. Have you decided what you’re eating?”
    “Hmm – pasta. I thought I’d have a proper lunch. Alan won’t be back tonight so I didn’t want to cook.”
    “Right. Well I think I might just have a salad.”
    “Oh yes, you’ve got a date.” The comment was followed by a sharp laugh.
    “Well no, but if I do meet him I suppose we might eat, so –”
    The phone pipped at them. Mary dragged it from her pocket.
    Ok. Call me. Am free now. Go out or takeaway. Up to you. Xxx
    “Don’t mind me. Answer it if you want to.” Jane had returned to her study of the menu looking annoyed. Mary would normally refuse to text or talk on the phone at table but she couldn’t help herself.
    Takeaway great. Home by about six at the latest. Come round after that. X
    Before there was any chance of a reply she made a show of pushing the phone into the bottom of her bag.
    “So, come on then. You said you’d tell me all about it. Who is this mystery man?”
    “Well he’s just someone who was stuck for a room as I said. I put him up in my spare and now he’s gone and just wanted to take me out to say thank you. That’s about it really.”
    “So, how come you’re beetroot red and you’ve shredded that napkin?” She glanced down and was horrified to see the tissue in pieces on the table.
    “Oh crumbs, I didn’t know I was doing that.”
    Jane reached across the cloth and laid a hand over Mary’s. “Hey, it’s okay you know. If you’ve met someone I’m glad for you. You don’t have to hide it

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