Blood Price (Noble of Blood Book 1)

Free Blood Price (Noble of Blood Book 1) by A L Wright

Book: Blood Price (Noble of Blood Book 1) by A L Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: A L Wright
high for lies."  Victor was hurrying to get the ropes tied off so he could catch up.
    Josaleene pulled up short in front of the door.  There was a vibration in the air in front of her.  It was so slight, she wondered if Victor would notice it.  Putting her hand up, she waved it in the air in front of her, feeling the vibration ripple around her hand.  It seemed almost thick in the center, nearer the eye on the door.  Staring at the painted eye, she noticed it was painted like a snake's eye and not a humans.  What she thought was eyelashes actually looked like a wing sprouting from one corner of the eye.
    Victor walked briskly past her thinking her hesitation was only her waiting for him to enter the shop before her.  She watched as he passed her and saw that he did not notice anything unusual as he opened the door.
    He held the door open for her after he entered, and she took a deep breath as she walked past the painted eye.
    Many different sights and scents attacked her senses as she walked in the small front area of the seer's shop.  From different oils and incenses to a faint hint of animal blood, the smells had her looking all over to try to peg them all down.  When she looked straight back she noticed an older woman behind a counter.  The woman was dressed in loose draping garments with a faded silken cloth tied around her head.  Unruly and very curly wisps of silver-streaked black hair poked out of the cloth in defiance.  Her nails were painted bright red and she wore many silver and copper bracelets on both wrists.  Her hands were slightly shaking as she stared at the guests who entered her shop.
    As she noticed Josaleene looking at her hands, she dropped them from the counter and down where they couldn't be seen betraying her nervousness.
    Josaleene stole a glance at Victor who looked unconcerned with the woman.  He assumed she was just nervous that two Nobles had entered her place of business.
    Looking back at the woman she saw a flicker of fear in the woman’s eyes, but more than that there was resignation like she had known this moment would come.  She did not yet speak and the only sound was the occasional horse passing by outside, and the metal bracelets clinking together as she started to fidget with her hands.
    Seeing no reason to continue to make the seer nervous Josaleene walked toward the counter.
    "Greetings Seeress.  I have need of your talents.  I am hoping to know a little about the events that will surround my child’s birth, and I was told that you are the only true visionary around.  Will you help me?  I will pay whatever your price."
    "And what if the price is your blood?"  Croaked the woman.  Squinting her eyes she peered at Josaleene expecting a harsh reply.
    "I do not believe that my blood is worth much, but my child's blood has importance.  I just know it."  Smiling at the older woman she pulled a small silken purse from her belt and opened it.  Pulling out several large gold coins, she laid them on the counter and pushed them to the middle.
    "Your blood will be the price you pay no matter whether I give you a reading or no.  And that is not a threat from me so please let your guard know he can be at ease here.  I knew as soon as you crossed my doorstep who you were, and I have expected your arrival for many, many moons now.  However, I was not expecting tonight to be the night you would walk in here.  My name is Mordred, my Princess.  Now, let us go to the back room where you can sit and be comfortable."
    Mordred scooped up the coins then turned and walked through a doorway, shoving a hanging sheet aside and leaving her to wonder how she knew she was the Princess.  Josaleene began to follow her, but stopped short when Victor grabbed her hand.  Not thinking at all about her guard's sudden possessiveness, she closed her hand around his and patted the back of his hand with her free one, and motioned with an incline of her head for him to follow.
    She let go of

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