Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)

Free Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1) by JF Holland

Book: Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1) by JF Holland Read Free Book Online
Authors: JF Holland
on your sweet nature here if you want me to be your hero and save your fine arse. " He again got the birdie and saw a mental image of her rolling her eyes and then she cut him off, shit.  " Maya what's going on in there ?" he sent back.
    " Shush, be quiet he may hear you ," Jaden was the one to send a picture of rolling his eyes now.
    " I'm in your head, how on earth is he going to hear me ?"
    " I don't know but there's something about this one.  I don't know how I know but there's something in the way he moves that's familiar to me.  Every time I answer you it's as if he picks up on it and moves closer.  Shit, I can hear him outside the wardrobe ."
    Jaden thought that one over and then ignored it, there should be no way another shifter could pick up on mates talking telepathically, should there?  He didn’t think so, but he didn't know enough about his own kind to make that assumption.  He should have mixed more with his kind, instead of isolating himself, he should have looked some up and asked questions.  Just then he heard a noise behind him and dropped lower to the floor as anther shifter came over the fence, it turned in his direction and shifted to human form. Spine twisting, fur and muzzle receding as he went from 4 to 2 feet. Jaden's lips drew back and he gave a rumble as he realised it was the man who'd been at Maya's door earlier, but his wasn’t the scent of either of the two he was following.  The other shifter slowly walked towards Jaden, hands up and crouching so as not to set his cat off.
    "I need you to shift so we can talk, I know you can hear me but I need the man not the mate." Jaden heard him and had to fight, his head swung towards the back door and then to the man.
    "I know your mate is in danger, that's one of the reasons I'm here."  He held his right hand up, palm out so he could see his own mark.  Jaden pushed back the cat and shifted, his bones contorting as his muzzle and fur disappeared leaving him crouched as a man.  He looked suspiciously towards the newcomer.
    "I'm a friend of Maya's.  My friend and business partner Sam and I have been keeping our eye on her.  We knew she had a mate somewhere as Sam noticed the mark on her palm when she came into the coffee house when she first arrived in the area.  We talked her into working for us and we've been keeping our eyes on her since, but there's been another couple of shifters hunting her.  They've been scoping out the area and we've taken turns watching them.  I guess you turning up has moved their plans along, as they'd just been watching her up to his point."  Jaden looked towards the property and back to the stranger, agitation evident in his grim features.
    "She's in there and there's one in the room with her, I have to get in."
    "My friend is at this very moment moving around towards the front of the house.  He's going to knock on the door and start making some noise.  We're hoping to spook and flush him out."
    "How did you know what was going on?" Jaden asked him, still suspicious of his motives.
    "We had cameras fitted to help us keep an eye on the property, we came running when we got an alarm to say the back window had been forced.  Whether Maya puts the alarm on or not, we know when the property has been breached as we put sensors on the doors and windows."  He watched Jaden's brow lift and grinned.
    "Shit, don't tell her.  She'll skin us alive if she finds out, she's not as sweet as she looks.  She has a bit of a mean streak, and I'm kind of fond of my balls.  The how was easy, Sam is a computer whizz.  He sneaked in here when she was working after we realised she was being watched.  We didn't think it was her mate as his actions weren't those of a mate just checking out his territory."  Jaden raised a brow. 
    "Yeah, we knew as soon as you showed up in the area.  I'm Binks by the way," and he held out a hand.  Jaden took the offering and gave it a quick shake before he turned back to the house, getting ready

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