Fully Restored

Free Fully Restored by Delaney Williams

Book: Fully Restored by Delaney Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delaney Williams
Focusing, I lowered my head and took as much of him in as I could. I licked the clear drops of precum that were gathered at the tip and swallowed them before going back down again. Taking my time, I enjoyed the taste of him.  I hollowed my cheeks and sucked hard. God he was huge. I released him from my mouth and went down to his balls, sucking first one, then the other. I licked and sucked, nipping on his taint, basically enjoying all that was Brock, when all the sudden there was a hand in my hair. He was awake.          
    “Baby, what are you doing?”
    “I was up. An idea popped in my head and I went with it. Besides, you got to taste me, and turnabout is fair play you know.” I peeked out from under the covers and looked at his face as I spoke, he smirked, his eyebrow quirked. He was amused. I would show him amused. I returned to my work sucking, licking, and working my way further down his cock than I thought I could. I was determined to get him in, to show him I could be in charge. Somehow, even with all this, he maintained the control. How? I don’t know. It just was. The power over the orgasm remained his. I was gonna shatter that.
    With his head in my throat, I sucked hard, hallowing my cheeks.  He moaned and leaned back. “You’re amazing Beauty” he said.
    I smiled around his cock.
    He whined, “Baby, my balls, don’t forget them… I like them sucked too.”
    I knew that from when he was sleeping but I let him think he was leading me.  Letting his cock fall out of my mouth, I ran my tongue around his head a bit, savoring the drops still gathering there, and then I followed the large vein to his balls. Once there I sucked his balls into my mouth and rolled them around while applying gentle pressure with my tongue. His hips shot up off the bed and I choked on the mouthful I had.
    “Shit” he groaned. Liking the sounds and motions he was making, I worked his balls for a while before licking the spot directly below them. As I was sucking and licking his taint he groaned louder and grabbed my head to hold me in place. Hell, he was reacting like a monster, he liked it so much. I licked and sucked there again and he couldn’t hold still on the bed. He was insane, grabbing my hair and lifting his body so I could lick further back.
    “Baby, so good. That’s so fucking good.”
    He was shaking. “Mph”, his words had gone and he was down to making noises.  He reached down to my hair and pulled me up to his cock, pushing the tip against my lips. I opened and ran my tongue around him before I took him all the way in and sucked hard again.
    He panted, “Baby, gonna come.”
    He looked at me with eyes shuttered in lust, and I took him all the way in my mouth. The next thing I knew, he was pulling my hair and shooting off.
    I swallowed as much of him as I could, but he kept going. I could feel him all over my face. I loved this. The whole thing. The power it gave me, the reactions and sounds he made. His taste. He was salty and thick, and maybe some women don’t like it but I did. I liked his taste. So much so I licked him clean and by the time he pulled me off, he was half hard again. He dragged me up his body, both of us naked, and kissed me hard.
    “Best. Wakeup Call. Ever.” He whispered to me.
    Then he looked at me, “You swallowed.”
    “Yeah Ace, spitters are quitters.  At least that’s what Meghan tells me.” I smirked.
    Brock roared out in laughter. “That’s true babe. A man does love a girl who swallows. Nothing much better than that.” The bed was shaking with his low laughter. After a moment, he calmed and wrapped his arms around me and we just laid in the silence of the morning, simply enjoying the presence of the other. He seemed to be just fine holding me and cuddling, and since I liked it too, I let him. Until my stupid stomach interrupted.
    “You hungry baby?”
    My stomach rumbled again.
    “I guess that answers that. My shirts are in the middle drawer. You saw my house,

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