The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1

Free The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1 by Alonna Lissett

Book: The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1 by Alonna Lissett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alonna Lissett
Xander decided to finish with the dragonfly before deciding to find a stand in for fighting with two swords. Xander found what he was looking for in the form of an old axe handle and began to try to create his own form. The problem was fighting with two swords often was slower with far less force than fighting with one against an armored opponent. Xander began using his father’s sword in his off hand with it being lighter than the axe handle and began doing his forms blending what he knew into a newer form. The only way Xander figured it could work was that both swords had to be extremely light and he absolutely needed to work on what his dad did to make the swords a lot sharper. Before long, Xander had a sweat going when he heard Mesha talking.
                  “So are you going to play around with your sword all day boy or are you going to do some work?”
                  “Boy? You can’t be much older than I am.” Xander replied dryly.
                  “Is that the way someone of your station is supposed to address a lady?”
                  “Find me a lady first, then I’ll change my tone.”
                  “How dare you!” Mesha made a move to slap Xander, which he ducked and moved out of the way. She went after him again but he was just too fast for her clumsy attempts at striking. Mesha picked up the axe handle and gave it a great swing which Xander caught mid stride.
                  “Let it go now!” said Mesha
                  “Why would I let it go, you are going to hit me with it.”
                  “I know, so let it go and take your medicine.”
                  “I don’t think so, what is your problem with me anyway?”
                  “There is plenty wrong with you! I didn’t want to move to this backwater town where you men have no respect for anything.”
                  “Now I’m a man, I thought I was a boy. Which is it?”
                  “You think everything is so funny don’t you? If I were a witch I would fix you good.”
                  “But you are not, you are just a loud mouth with a need to be better than everyone else.”
                  “You better help getting the wagons fixed for going into Meadow. If you think you are going to have a free meal for doing nothing you are mistaken.” Mesha then stomped away leaving Xander bewildered. While he had never dealt with a female his own age before, he had thought they would be more carefree instead of stern like their older counterparts. Xander figured he had better find the wagon master, opting to at least start working in lieu of having breakfast. While he could travel the road alone, he did not want to meet up with Sam and his crew armed with only a sword.
                  Xander found who he believed was the wagon master with what had to pass for the town’s blacksmith, as he could smell his way to the forge and the person beside it had a broken wagon.
                  “Excuse me Sir, I was sent here to help fix some wagons” said Xander to the man he thought was the wagon master.
                  “Well now, are they finally giving me an assistant instead of having me be the only damn carpenter in this two bit town?” Said the man.
                  “Not quite Sir, I was sent here to help you by Lady Mesha. I am supposed to be joining you on your way to Meadow where I’ll find out about my commitment.”
                  “Shit, well boy you got your work cut out for you. We got plenty of wheels and such, but what I need it lumber cut. We only have a couple of days to fell a bunch of them trees and at least make something that is a little road worthy and we only got two axes. One of which is dull as hell and the other has a split blade. I’m trying to get old Jack here to help me

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