Dance Into Destiny

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Book: Dance Into Destiny by Sherri L. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherri L. Lewis
but her hematocrit is stable and she shouldn’t require a transfusion. We’ll be observing her a little longer to make sure she doesn’t have any retained products, but she should be fine to go home this evening. You’ll need to consider putting her on some form of contraception so this doesn’t happen again. We would be glad to give her a Depo-Provera shot before she leaves. Just let one of the nurses know.” He rattled off the information and then walked away as abruptly as he came.
    Shara turned to the nurse still sitting there. “Could you give that to us in English?”
    The nurse smiled sympathetically. “Sorry about that. He gets in a hurry when the ER is busy. Basically, your daughter had a miscarriage, and based on the ultrasound, everything came out on its own so she won’t need any surgery. She bled a lot, but won’t need a blood transfusion. We need to watch her a little while longer to make sure everything is okay. The doctor suggested a birth control shot. Have you ever talked to your daughter about birth control?”
    Shara shook her head. “She’s not my daughter. I’m her track coach.”
    â€œHas anyone notified her mother or guardian?” the nurse asked.
    Shara shook her head. She had been so worried, she hadn’t even thought about calling Tangee’s mother. “No, I’ll call her now.” She sent Lakita to see Tangee while she pulled out her youth roster. The nurse directed her to a pay phone at the end of the hall and she dialed Tangela’s mother’s work number.
    An unfriendly voice barked, “Housekeeping, may I help you?”
    â€œYes, I’m trying to reach Angela Madison please,” Shara said.
    Shara pulled the phone away from her ear as she heard the person yell, “Where Angie at?”
    In the background, Shara heard a voice yell back, “She on break—’sposed to be fifteen minutes, but it’s been twenty-five already.” The person repeated the information to Shara and was about to hang up.
    â€œWait, it’s an emergency! I’m at the hospital with her daughter. Can you find her please?”
    â€œOh Lawd, what done happened to Tangela? What that child into now? These kids these days always up to no good. Is she all right? Angie always be talking ’bout how Tangee won’t—”
    â€œPlease! Can you just find her mother?”
    â€œWell, you ain’t got to be rude about it. I’m just trying to show a little concern. Hol’on.”
    Shara pulled the phone away from her ear again as the woman yelled even louder, “Angie, you need to come on back in here and get dis phone. Tangee at the hospital. It’s a ’mergency.”
    After a few moments, Shara recognized Ms. Madison’s voice in the background. She heard a string of curse words and then, “What is it now, Tangee?”
    It took Shara a few seconds to respond.
    While trying to figure out what to say, she heard, “Hello? Ain’t nobody on this phone, Thelma. Stop playing. That ain’t funny.”
    Shara made herself say, “Ms. Madison, this is Shara Anderson, Tangee’s track coach. We’re at Atlanta Medical Center in the emergency room. I think you should—”
    â€œWhat is it? What’s wrong with her?” Ms. Madison almost sounded concerned.
    â€œShe started bleeding at track practice today.” Shara took a deep breath. “She had a miscarriage.”
    â€œWhat you mean, she had a miscarriage?”
    â€œShe lost the baby, Ms. Madison.”
    Shara pulled the phone away from her ear as Ms. Madison screamed, “Baby? What baby? You telling me Tangee pregnant?”
    As she continued yelling and cursing into the phone, Shara realized Tangee hadn’t told her mother. Listening to her, she could understand why. “Tangee said she told you. She is . . . well she was pregnant. She lost the baby.”

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