The Lady and the Duke

Free The Lady and the Duke by Olivia Kelly

Book: The Lady and the Duke by Olivia Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Kelly
Tags: Romance
longer than an hour, Overton. I want her to receive them before leaving for the evening."
    "Very good, Your Grace. Shall I include a note?"
    "No…yes. Bring me some paper and I will compose it." Overton nodded and quietly let himself out of the room, closing the door behind him.
    Will fastened his waistcoat and shrugged into his coat. Stepping to the mirror, he began the meticulous arrangement of his cravat. His peers would laugh if he ever said so, but he never could stand being dressed. It had always felt suffocating. Infantile. Different men needed different things, and it had always been imperative to Will that he be able to survive without all the frills and privilege, should he ever have to.
    He needed to be more than just the Duke of Halford.
    Which brought him full circle, back to Audrey—a woman who couldn't care less about his title and all it brought. Perhaps it made him perverse, but he liked that about her. She stood out among her peers as a woman with integrity. Will smiled as he tucked the loose end of his perfectly styled cravat in, and smoothed his evening coat. If everything went as it should tonight, he would have the blackmail letters in hand, Lord Ellis’s blessing and he could concentrate on Audrey.
    Oh, yes. He was definitely looking forward to tonight.

    Chapter Nine
    I have drunken deep of joy, and I will taste no other wine tonight.
    ~ Yours
    Audrey reread the note and looked up again at the armfuls of flowers being delivered by a team of footman in dark green and silver livery. Lowery, the Ellis' butler, seemed bemused by the sudden flood of wildflowers, but Audrey was thrilled. Not just because the sheer volume of them spoke of Will's devotion, but that he had truly given some thought to his gift. His previous effort had been lovely, but tulips were standard fare for a gentleman courting a lady. His new choice of blooms had her insides turning to mush.
    Will might not have told her that he loved her yet, but he did. She could see it in every small purple petal, every fragrant stalk of yellow, every blowsy cluster of brilliant red. He understood she was who she was, and he appreciated it.
    She could do anything for love. Even become a duchess.
    With a laugh, Audrey rolled her eyes at her own dramatics and wandered into the front parlor to await her parents. Most of the unattached women she knew would kill any competition swiftly and without remorse to be in her position. She needed to stop worrying about her future duties as a duchess. Not only was it premature, as he hadn't formally asked her yet, but felt increasingly silly.
    Oh, how terrible. Becoming the wife of a wealthy and powerful man. You poor thing, Audrey.
    With a shake of her head, she pushed all her worries away, determined to enjoy the incredible bounty of flowers filling the room. They were lovely and smelled like heaven. Audrey buried her face in a lush gathering of something blue, breathing in the heady perfume.
    "Oh, my word. Audrey. What is all this?" Lady Witte stood in the doorway, eyes wide, the glove she had been in the middle of pulling on dangling from one hand.
    Audrey grinned, hugging her secret close. Tonight she would tell Will that she accepted his suit, and soon enough he would come to speak to Papa. But for now, she wanted to keep him all to herself.
    "I don't know, Mama. They just arrived."
    Audrey winced at the near shriek. Lowery appeared, as unruffled as any butler worth his salt. He bowed to her Mama, then lifted an inquiring eyebrow.
    "Who sent these?" Audrey's Mama gestured to the masses of flowers placed on nearly every surface, her expression still one of wonder. Lowery slid a quick glance at Audrey, who merely looked back at him, silently pleading for just a little more time.
    "There was no note, my ladyship."
    Good man.
    "No note?"
    "Not that I saw, my ladyship."
    Lady Witte  was taken aback. "Well, did you recognize the livery?"
    "It was dark green and silver, but I am not

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