The Sacrificial Circumcision of the Bronx

Free The Sacrificial Circumcision of the Bronx by Arthur Nersesian

Book: The Sacrificial Circumcision of the Bronx by Arthur Nersesian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arthur Nersesian
Tags: General Fiction, Ebook, book
    When Robert and Mary arrived with their two baby girls, his sister and parents greeted them at the door. Emanuel shook hands with his youngest son and tried to utter some encouraging words, while Mary complained to Bella and Edna about how their apartment on the Upper West Side was getting too tight with the birth of their youngest daughter.
    “Well, you’ve just got to find a bigger place,” Bella said with a big smile.
    “Robert!” Paul called out, coming down the stairs. “It’s impossible to get ahold of you, brother.”
    As Paul approached his sibling, Robert replied, “You dumb son of a bitch, you’ve ruined my life!”
    “Robert!” their father snapped.
    “You can’t talk to Paul that way!” Edna added.
    “What the hell’s the matter with you?” Paul asked.
    “When Mayor Hylan took office, some little creep approached me and said that if I ever poked my big kike nose in City Hall again, he’d make sure the papers got wind of my Bolshevik brother.”
    “What?” Edna cried out. “Who said such a thing?”
    “Evans, a Tammany Hall boy who they hired to get rid of me because of my reforms. He got the information from some muckety muck in Washington. Why don’t you tell them yourself, Paul: What was the real reason you quit your big Washington job?”
    “What are you saying?” Bella asked.
    “I’m saying that your eldest son became best friends with every bomb-throwing Commie in North America.”
    “They weren’t my friends. I told the government everything I knew about them.”
    “It was that damn Mexican girl.”
    “Watch it!” Paul warned.
    “If you want to rub Mom’s face in crap all her life, that’s your prerogative—”
    “Robert, that’s an awful thing to say!” Bella interrupted.
    “—but I’m not as forgiving as she is!”
    “My relationship with Mom is none of your business,” Paul fired back.
    “You gave your boy an Ivy League education and in return he’s become an enemy of this country.”
    “Just stop it!” his mother gasped.
    “When are you going to get it?” Robert asked. “He hates us!”
    “Shut up, Robert, I’m not saying it again!”
    “She and Dad worked so hard to get you that interview at Kuhn & Loeb. Everyone knew about it.”
    “That’s enough, Robert,” Emanuel said.
    “You thoroughly embarrassed her,” Robert jabbed.
    “I appreciated what you did,” Paul said, turning to Bella.
    “I just didn’t want to be a banker, Mom!”
    “Instead, you became a goddamn lobbyist for an arms manufacturer,” Robert said.
    “Byrd & Hale owns a number of companies, one of which is munitions. They promised that if I did lobbying work, they’d reward me with an electrical engineering job,” Paul explained to Bella.
    “And you couldn’t even do that, could you? Your past caught up with you and you had to quit,” Robert continued. “Well, you ruined your career and now you’ve hurt mine too!”
    “Look, Robert, I’m truly sorry,” Paul said. “Yes, I knew some unsavory types down in Mexico, but I had no involvement with any of this stuff.”
    “I don’t reward people for screwing up my life. I punish them!”
    “I never meant to embarrass you.”
    “I think you should apologize to Paul,” Bella said.
    “I’ve spent my life carefully avoiding situations like this,” Robert added, “and when I find out that my family has to pay the price because my brother wants to get in the sack with some hot little tamale—”
    Paul slapped Robert, who nearly fell to the ground, remaining bent to one side for several seconds.
    “Oh God!” Mary screamed. Her little girls shrieked. Even Edna covered her mouth.
    “That’s enough!” Emanuel shouted, stepping forward between his two taller, broader sons. But he didn’t need to, neither brother was going any further. Uli knew that something irrevocable had just occurred between them.
    When Paul grabbed his coat, only Maria, standing in the foyer, tried to stop him. He hurried out of the old

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