Owning His Bride

Free Owning His Bride by Sue Lyndon

Book: Owning His Bride by Sue Lyndon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Lyndon
her hesitation. “Becca, I am your husband and this is our wedding night.” He put one finger below her chin and lifted her head, forcing her to look him directly in the eyes. His gaze seared her, made her feel like she’d just gotten naked in front of him all over again.
    For the rest of her life, he was her husband. She might not know him very well, but they had spoken vows today. It hadn’t been the wedding she’d dreamed about as a little girl with a flowing white dress and grand party, but it had been a wedding. Perhaps she should try to make the best of her situation—while keeping that wall erected around her heart of course, she reminded herself.
    “I’m nervous, Hunter.”
    “I won’t hurt you, little one. I promise. Now lie down and spread your legs.” The gentle note in his voice contrasted with the commanding tone he’d used earlier.
    She sighed and moved off his lap. With his gaze never leaving her, she arranged herself atop the covers and started to part her legs, only to stop and clamp her thighs together. Heat had been quickening in her center the whole time she’d been seated on his lap. What if she spread her legs and he found her soaking wet? She’d never responded to a man so wantonly before.
    “Don’t be embarrassed, Becca. It’s okay if your pussy is wet. In fact, it will please me greatly if it is.”
    Damn him for reading her mind once again. She glared at him hard for a minute before thrusting her legs apart.
    * * *
    Hunter almost chuckled, thinking Becca looked especially adorable while flustered, but he restrained his laugh and instead let his gaze wander to her bare folds that glistened with her arousal. “Spread wider.”
    She obeyed, her blush deepening to a dark pink that rivaled the color of her punished bottom.
    “Good girl.”
    A shiver rippled down her body. Hunter watched her struggling to remain open to him on the bed, knowing she wished to crawl under the covers and hide. He stood up and unfastened his pants, stepping out of them while Becca looked on with wide eyes. He shed his shirt next and pushed his briefs down. Her mouth parted when his engorged cock sprang free, and she sucked in a shaky breath that incited his desire further.
    He climbed on the bed and straddled Becca, his hard length throbbing against her inner thigh. Tremors besieged her, and she parted her legs wider without any prompting from him. He trailed a finger down her cheek and neck, traveling lower until he grazed her right breast. She arched into his touch, and he leaned down and latched onto her nipple, holding it between his teeth while he licked at the stiffened peak. Her keening moans and the salty taste of her skin beckoned him to seek out her other breast, and he paid the same careful attention to this nipple, lapping all around with his tongue and pressing her to the bed when she started twisting around. He enjoyed her halfhearted struggle and bit down on her nipple until she stilled.
    “Oh, please,” she said breathlessly. “Please.”
    “Say that again, Becca. I like hearing you beg.” He slipped a hand between her thighs and stroked her wetness, discovering her hot and swollen and ready to be taken. But he wouldn’t claim her yet. He wanted her wanton and mindless with desire before he finally sank his cock into her, wanted her clawing at him and arching her center up to invite his entrance.
    He placed her hands above her head and gave her a stern look. “Keep your hands there, little one.”
    “Because I’m going to tease you. I’m going to part your smooth pussy lips and lick you all over, and I don’t want your hands getting in the way of my explorations.”
    She pushed at him, and he made a show of returning her hands above her head, then he swatted her left breast. She gasped and lifted her hands, but when he moved to swat her other breast, she cried out and put her hands back into place. Her face twisted with frustration. Since she caught herself in

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