Christmas With The Houstons (Acceptance #4)

Free Christmas With The Houstons (Acceptance #4) by D. Kelly

Book: Christmas With The Houstons (Acceptance #4) by D. Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Kelly
my exact intention. Pulling her closer, I lean my forehead against hers.
    “How long did you spend with her?”
    “About two hours, and I spent some time talking to Denise Robinson, too.”
    Two hours?
    She spent two hours with her and wants to adopt her?
    With a sigh, I hesitate and try to figure out a way to respond. This is what I’ve always wanted and now she’s finally on the same page.
    “I know what you’re thinking, Jake, but sometimes two hours is enough. Sometimes just two minutes is enough. I’ve been doing this job for years and I’ve never felt like this before. I’m telling you, I can feel it, Jake… Mia is meant to be ours . She’s meant to be Jaxson’s sister.”
    I’ve never been more reluctant to give an answer in my life. Once this door opens, it can’t be closed. April is good at getting what she wants, and I’m good at giving it to her. This affects so much more than us; it affects our entire family dynamic.
    “I’m not saying yes because I really think it’s a bad idea right now, but how would it work if it’s something we wanted to pursue?”
    The light shining in her eyes is priceless.
    This little girl could be our saving grace.
    She could bring down our entire house.
    I’m so fucked.
    “First, we set up an interest appointment so you can meet Mia and see if this is even a viable idea. You have to be comfortable with this, too, Jake.”
    “Alright, what else?”
    “Well, I’m cleared because I’m a state employee, but you’d have to go through a background check. We’d have to apply, take a few classes, and go through a home check and some interviews.”
    Damn, that’s a lot.
    “All that to adopt her?”
    She shakes her head. “No, all of that to be approved to be her foster parents. Once she’s placed with us, a worker will monitor her for six to twelve months as we progress toward adoption. Their responsibility is to assess Mia’s progress, or lack of it, depending on how things go. Once they feel comfortable making a decision, we get referred to the court for adoption. It’s a process, Jake. A long and tedious one.”
    Of course I knew adopting wasn’t easy, but I don’t think I ever realized how many entities were actually involved.
    “What if I screw up the interview?”
    She runs her fingers through my hair, pulling my lips close to hers. After a soft whisper of a kiss against my lips, she replies.
    “There’s no way you can screw it up, Jake. All you have to do is be your charismatic self and maybe curb the profanities a bit. They’ll love you.”
    “I’m not making any promises, April. I still think the timing is all wrong but go ahead and set up the appointment. Let’s figure out one way or another if this is a road we really want to travel.”
    “Jake Houston, you are the most amazing man and I’m so proud to call you my husband.”
    “You weren’t so proud of me a little while ago,” I answer, laughing.
    “Of course I was. I’m always proud of you, I just don’t like you very much when you act like a righteous asshole.”
    “ Who needs to curb the profanities?” I tease.
    “Maybe we both do. We could start one of those jars…”
    “Oh, hell no. No jar. If our children have a colorful vocabulary it will make them all the more interesting.”
    She groans. “You’re going to deal with all the parent and school calls on that topic. I’m delegating that position to you right now.”
    “You’re not going to tell me our kids aren’t allowed to have a colorful vocabulary?” I ask, surprised, considering I was really just joking.
    “Jake,” she says with a smile, “your kids were always going to have a colorful vocabulary. Yours and Mike’s. Did you hear Hailey said the ‘f’ word the other day? Well, actually, she said the ‘f’ and ‘s’ words, to be exact.”
    “No, I didn’t. What happened?”
    “It’s actually kind of funny. I can see why they were torn about what to do. Mike was trying to put together Misty’s

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