lips. “I do not care for your commanding tone,” she gave him a withering stare, before continuing, “furthermore, I do not appreciate your uppity tone, you need to learn your place.”
He controlled his temper at her snippy words. “I do think, Lady Gemma, that you are quite the little shrew. Mayhap, I should tame you.”
“I think, sirrah, that you should go and take a merry dance in hell,” she snapped, her fair complexion mottling with anger.
“That sort of language does not befit a woman of your high station. After all, we must learn to act in the station that we have been born into. We must uphold social propriety. As for my place, I think my place for the foreseeable future is right by your side.”
She glanced down at the signet ring he wore, and her eyes widened slightly. The ruby in it had finally caught the light.
Archie did look dashing. She hadn’t been stretching the truth when she had given him that compliment. By far, he was the most handsome man she’d ever laid eyes on. Though she did doubt his claims that he owned everything he wore. Mallory must have had a hand in it. He was notorious for trying to help those that were less fortunate better themselves. Moreover, the fact that he’d decided to groom Archie to be her bridegroom made her suspicious. If she put him next to Duxford, he would outshine her fiancée in two seconds flat.
Her heart fell. How could she think such thoughts? Her loyalty didn’t lie with Archie, it belonged to Duxford. So, she had to put all thoughts of Archie out of her head. She had to remain cool and detached from him—there was just no other way.
“Pray take my arm, it would save a lot of trouble between you and Mallory.”
“Mallory and I have numerous disagreements to our credit. It will not matter either way, if we have yet a few more arguments. If we didn’t have at least one row a day Mallory would think I was ill,” she explained, catching the slightly beseeching look in his gorgeous eyes.
She eyed his arm warily. If she took it, it would serve as a sign of submission to Mallory. But if she didn’t take it he’d probably goad her more than if she did.
Decisions, decisions.
Against her better judgment, she took his arm. She couldn’t believe how right it felt. Shaking her head, she allowed him to guide her into the music room. Mallory and Elizabeth sat closely together on the sofa. They were almost cuddling. She wouldn’t have been surprised if they’d been locked in a clinch and had parted just before they came into the room. She snorted. She could see that Mallory was trying to give her a sign by telling her that he was going to covet Elizabeth’s attention for the entire night, leaving her without anyone to talk to.
Archie led her over to the sofa that sat opposite Mallory and Elizabeth. She would have rather taken up charge on one of the King Louis styled chairs, but yet again, Archie was trying to plan her every movement out for her.
“We shall have to hold a grand ball to mark the start of the Season, Gemma. By that time you and Archie shall be married, you and he can dance the waltz together to announce your commitment to each other.” Mallory smiled, glancing lovingly at Elizabeth.
Gemma’s eyes narrowed. She would not be swept into Mallory’s pesky little games. No matter what she had to keep her temper at bay.
“Oh, yes, that would be lovely,” Elizabeth sighed.
“Well, brother mine, I could always scandalously dance the fandango with Archie, and set the tongues wagging,” she said, watching for the fire start dancing in her brother’s eyes. Many still viewed the fandango to be a risqué dance even though their king had on occasion danced it, having first danced it when he was still the Prince Regent.
“Alas, I’m much better with a simple country dance. The fandango has always eluded me,” Elizabeth said softly.
“You are even better giving a vocal performance, my love, those Italian Operatic pieces you