When Lightning Strikes

Free When Lightning Strikes by Sedona Venez

Book: When Lightning Strikes by Sedona Venez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sedona Venez
Tags: Credence Curse#2
well put a target on my fucking back.
    “There are those who have some empath abilities like Ava, Storm, and me. But our powers are limited. To mix our bloodline with the Shadows dark bloodline is like a Molotov cocktail.”
    “What do you mean dark?” I asked quickly.
    “Dark magic. They have bred with evil underworld beings. Some real dark evil shit. That’s what makes their magic so powerful.”
    “And why if you are in the wrong hands, their hands, it can do irreparable damage.”
    My eyes widened. “Fuck! They’re coming after me. How did they find out who I am?”
    Mom’s mouth tightened. “Because your father was careless. Somehow they found out about him and you and that he was alive and back in New York. Watching Light.” She sighed. “Fucking overprotective ass.” She rubbed her head. “Raphael knew they’d come for you. That’s why he called to warn us.”
    I paced back and forth with my mind racing. I felt Mom, Aunt Ava, and Storm’s heated stares. I didn’t give a shit. I was trying to work out my own issues… for once.

    “Light, is everything okay with you?” Storm asked.
    “I’m fine.”
    “Say something, sweetie,” Aunt Ava demanded.
    I strode faster. “No. I don’t have anything to say.” I skidded to a stop. “You know what…? I do have something to say. All these years and you never once thought about telling me the truth?” I didn’t bother to hide the hurt and the tears that threatened to fall. “I get it. I understand why you and my father… I mean Raphael did what you did. But you want to know what hurts me more? The fact you lied to me.” My mouth twisted with disdain. “All that bullshit about no secrets in the family and every damn day you lied to me because you didn’t think I could handle the truth.” I threw my hands up in the air, truly disgusted with them. Nothing was taboo in my family; we were progressively open about sex, had to be with the nature of our business. The things I was able to discuss with my mom and aunt at a young age would make humans cringe. There was nothing that wasn’t up for discussion, or so I thought.
    Mom gave me an incredulous stare. “This is not all about you. There’s the whole family’s safety to consider. Sweetie, I know you could have handled the truth, but you’ll soon discover the Credence women sometimes have to do things we’re not too proud of… make sacrifices, for the betterment of all, not one.”
    I processed her words. I loved my family and would do anything in my power to protect them. Even at the expense of my own happiness and safety. That is after all, how the Credence family survived all these years, by making sacrifices. There were times we fought bitterly, but we always stood together in the end. We were the Credences. And I would be damned if I let the Shadows or Raphael, tear my family apart. Mom, Aunt Ava, and Storm opened their arms. I stepped forward for the group hug. I languished in the strength of their love, knowing the times ahead were going to be rough for all of us.
    I sighed, stepping back. “So what now?”
    Mom pushed the hair back from my face. “We stick to the plan. Storm will go with Knox. Ava and I will call in a few favors to get some extra protection for us. And since Ryker has graciously offered to protect you, you will go with him.”
    I arched a brow. “Graciously? The man hates me.” I didn’t know how in the hell I was going to last with Ryker as my jail warden. Shit, I didn’t know whether to fuck him or kick his ass. I huffed out with displeasure. And what was the deal with my human emotional angst subsiding when he was around me? Was it the Fae thing kicking in or something else altogether?
    Aunt Ava smirked. “He doesn’t hate you.”
    I threw my hands in the air. “What is it with you two and Ryker? He’s not some cute puppy you can play with. I’ve seen behind his cool demeanor. He’s damn near feral.”
    Mom’s eyes narrowed. “I see.”
    I blinked.

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