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Book: Unrivaled by Alyson Noël Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Noël
    â€œAnd I want to apologize for that.” Aster hurried alongside her.
    â€œSo, it’s true.” Tommy looked amused by the news.
    â€œNo, it’s not true,” Aster snapped. “I didn’t even see her. It was all a big misunderstanding.”
    â€œOh, you saw me.” Layla whirled on her. “Don’t even try to pretend like you didn’t.”
    â€œNo wonder you needed me to mediate.” Tommy looked at Aster, shaking his head.
    â€œBelieve me,” Aster said. “I’m already regretting that.”
    â€œMaybe so, but deal’s a deal,” Tommy reminded her. “I did my part, now you do yours.”
    â€œWhat deal? What’s going on?” Layla glanced between them.
    â€œAster wants to switch clubs.”
    â€œUm, hello! I’m right here and I can speak for myself!” Aster shook her head. Maybe she should just stick with the Vesper; it would be better than dealing with this. But who was she kidding? It was a disaster in the making. Besides, she was still convinced this was all part of some weird game Ira was playing.
    â€œThen why’d you ask me to help?”
    â€œI asked you to help me find her, not to—ugh, just forget it, Okay? Listen.” Aster faced them both. “Here’s the deal. We all want each other’s clubs. So I’m proposing we put our personal feelings aside and—”
    â€œI don’t want your club.” Layla made her way out the door and onto a street crowded with tourists, as Aster and Tommy rushed to follow.
    â€œYou’re seriously trying to tell me you want Night for Night? You wouldn’t prefer Jewel?”
    Layla stopped. “What’s the difference? A club’s a club.”
    â€œYou can’t be serious!” Aster cried, scowling at a guy wearing a Superman costume that looked ratty and decrepit under the glare of the bright summer sun. It probably smelled bad too. And yet there was no shortage of tourists willing to pay to take pictures with costume-wearing weirdos like him. Sometimes people completelyboggled her brain. Layla included.
    â€œWay to negotiate.” Tommy laughed, which only annoyed Aster more, mostly because he was right. This whole thing was a mess, and it was all her fault. Something about these two pushed all her buttons. Normally she had no problem making friends and keeping her cool.
    â€œThere’s a big difference,” Aster said, determined to rein herself in. “And Layla, you’re far more suited to Jewel.”
    â€œAnd why’s that?” She folded her arms across her chest, guarding against whatever insult Aster might sling.
    â€œBecause it’s sharp, modern, and eccentric. All the things Tommy’s not, but you are.”
    â€œOh.” Layla seemed to visibly relax, if only a little. “So let me get this straight. Tommy wants your club, and you want my club.”
    â€œYes.” Aster stood uncertainly before her. Surely even Layla could see the logic in her plan.
    â€œWell, good luck to you both.”
    Layla made for her bike, as Aster hurried alongside her and Tommy stayed put. “Just give me a minute,” Aster called after her. “That’s all I ask.”
    To her surprise, Layla stopped and looked pointedly at the time on her phone.
    â€œListen, I’m sorry for what happened earlier.” Aster fought to catch her breath, the words hurried but heartfelt. “Truly. But if you’ll just—”
    â€œTell me.” Layla cocked her head and narrowed her gaze, and despite the way her features sharpened, Aster was surprised to find she was actually pretty. “If you’d gotten Night for Night, would you have tried to apologize?”
    Aster took a moment to answer, unsure how to play it. “Honestly?” she finally relented. “Probably not.”
    Layla nodded, seemingly satisfied. “So, what’s in it for me?”
    Aster studied

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