and that he hates being away from me, but that can be put down to just plain old lust. If I told him how I felt , then I would probably scare him off for good, because men like Cole don't do love and long commitment. I'm sure he has had many women falling at his feet, I can't blame them. I bet anybody would fall for his bad boy tattooed image and devastatingly good looks. I can't blame any woman who throws herself at him because I practically went weak at the knees when I first saw him; my first thought when I saw him was, how much I want to take him to my bed!
       I want Cole so bad and I thought we were starting to get somewhere, in a relationship; after all of the nights we spent together and our phone conversations... suddenly I freeze on the sofa, it dawns on me that we haven't ever discussed anything about being exclusive; we haven't spoken about what we are. What if I've been one of many girls? What if there are other girls just like me pining after him in different cities, all waiting for him to return? Shit I have to stop these thoughts right now, before they eat away at me.
       If I wanted to be in a relationship with Cole then I really need to consider his work schedule, he works everywhere and I wouldn't know when we would next see each other, surely, that's not good for a relationship? I can't expect him to leave his job because I can see how much he loves it, but I would never ask that of him anyway. Every time he leaves it gets harder and harder and after what he told me yesterday it was really hard to watch him walk away this morning. Seeing as I don't think I can concentrate on my editing anymore I decide to get ready and go down to the shops for tonight’s supplies for our movie night with Ria and Paige.
    * * *
       An hour later I struggle to open my front door as I hold onto my three full bags of alcohol and junk food; these bitches better appreciate my struggling! I kick the door shut behind me and pack away the goodies for later. I‘m actually glad to be home, I don't know if I was being paranoid or whatever but I felt like I was being watched. I caught some people looking at me and it was like I could feel people’s gazes staring right at me as I held my head down and carried on to my junk food shop. I have no idea why but I try to shake the odd feeling off as Roxie walks in through the door. She flashes me a wide smile as he holds up the bottle of wine in her hand. She shoves it in front of me and I gladly pour us both a glass in our large wine glasses.
       We both walk into the living room and she heavily slumps down next to me. "I've had such a weird day."
       I look over at her as she takes a big gulp from her glass. "What was so weird?" Honestly knowing Roxie it could be anything, she probably thinks it's weird if she flirts with someone and they don't take an interest.
       Roxie frowns and sighs loudly. "I don't know. This is gonna sound like I'm making shit up but, I swear people were looking at me today. I mean, yeah, I get 'the look' all the time but this was different. Some guys who work in the same building, who I've never even spoken to before came up to me and said that he didn't realize I was into the rockers and that I should go out with him some time. I mean what the hell? I haven't been with any rockers; I don't like a man to have long hair."
       I burst out laughing, nearly spitting wine all over myself. "Rox, not every rocker has long hair."
       She laughs along with me but I can see the weird look in her eyes, then I rethink what she just told me and my laughter dies. Roxie stops as soon as I do. "What's up?"
       "Nothing, just what you said about people looking at you. When I went to the shops, I thought the same. It was weird but I thought I was having some weird paranoia."
       Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Well shit, people just can't take their eyes off us." She giggles but it doesn't sound genuine.

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