Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

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Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
starts. “What cliff could you possibly fall off of
around here?”
Kayla moans. “Fine, a bridge then.  I ’ m going to walk clear across town, jump off the Jefferson
Bridge, and plummet to my death in the icy river.”
 “Okay, now you’re being dramatic.” Kayla’s mom sighs.  “We’ll dead
bolt the lock at night, but I don’t think you’re going to get into too much
“Whatever,” Kayla exhales.  “I need to take a shower and clean up.” 
Her parents shake their heads and leave the room.  Kayla grumbles as she
strips the sheets off her bed.
An hour later, she is standing by the front door waiting for Jackson. 
When he pulls up, Kayla yells, “Bye!  I’m leaving for school!”
“Bye, dear,” her mom replies.
Kayla groans and walks out the door.  She is absolutely exhausted. 
When she gets to his car, Kayla opens the door and mumbles, “Hey.”
“Not even a good morning?” Jackson asks.  “I’m giving you a ride. 
You could at least be polite.”
Giving him an evil glare, Kayla mumbles, “It’s not a good morning.”
“What happened now?” Jackson asks, pulling away from her
“Nothing.” Kayla sighs as she looks out the window.
“Did someone have nightmares?”
Slightly annoyed, Kayla says, “No, do you really want to know?”
Looking out the corner of his eye, Jackson replies, “I don’t know.  How
personal is it?  Did you have lustful dreams about me?”
“Ewww, no. I’ve been sleepwalking, and I don’t mean around the kitchen
sleepwalking.  I mean outside, probably in the woods.  I was covered
in mud when I woke up this morning.”
“Um, have you talked to your parents about this?” Jackson asks cautiously.
 “Yeah, they kind of blew it off.  My dad said he used to do it, and
I’ll be fine.”
“Uh-huh, I don’t get your family.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Jackson looks at her.  “Just that you’d think they would show more
“My thought exactly, but whatever, parents are dumb. Hopefully, I don’t kill
myself next time.”
“I think you’ll be fine.  It will probably pass soon.”
“Now you sound like my dad.”
He reaches down by Kayla’s feet and brings up another Tupperware
container.  “Eat these; you’ll feel better.  Actually, you should eat
these before you go to bed, or eat a handful of leaves.  They’ll help keep
you asleep.”
“How are you so insightful about it?” Kayla asks, opening the container. 
She lifts it up and sniffs the brownies.
“They taste fine,” Jackson says with a laugh.
Raising an eyebrow, Kayla says, “Yeah, right.”
“I dare you to eat one.”
She grimaces. “I think I’ll pass.”
“Double-dog dare you.”
“Fine.” Kayla laughs.  She picks up a brownie and looks at it.  “Here
we go,” she whispers, taking a bite.  Chewing, she grins. “Hey, these are
good.  Did your mom make them?”
Shaking his head, Jackson says, “No, I

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