Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

Free Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter

Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
see.  Well, thanks for being so nice.  I know it must be hard for
Jackson looks at her.  “There are reasons why I behave the way I do.”
“Yeah, so that I don’t like you.”
“There are reasons for that too, but I won’t get into them.”
Crossing her arms, Kayla declares, “Fine, I promise not to get attached, just
stop being mean to me.”
Chuckling, Jackson states, “If I stop being mean, then you aren’t kept on your
toes.  Anyway, I’m way too charming to resist if I don’t come across as an
“I think I can resist.”
“I would prove you wrong, but that didn’t work out very well last time,”
Jackson says under his breath.
Kayla snorts.  “No, the problem was that it got us too far.”
“Mmm, well, you better get home.”
“I have to take this book to Tracy, and then I will,” Kayla says, as she
unlocks her car.  “Thanks for helping me.”
Jackson smirks, “Do you need a ride in the morning?”
Kayla rolls her eyes and grimaces. “Yeah, kind of.  My dad is a little
embarrassing when he takes me in.”
“All right, I’ll pick you up at seven thirty, and I’ll bring brownies.”
“What is with you and those things?” Kayla says with a laugh.
A smile spreads across Jackson’s face.  “They’re good for us.  You
should eat them more often.”
“You and my parents are crazy.  All right, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Try to stay out of harm’s way until then, okay?”
Laughing, Kayla replies, “I’ll try.”  She gets in the car, and Jackson
shuts her door.  She looks at him and smiles through the window.  He
gives her an almost thoughtful look back.  As she starts the engine,
Jackson turns and walks away.  It’s then that Kayla notices his car isn’t
in the parking lot, but before she can question him, he disappears.  “What
in the…”  Kayla turns around and looks for him in the shadows, but he’s
nowhere to be seen. She shakes her head, thinking there has to be a reasonable
explanation, and drives away.
The next morning she wakes up and groans.  Once again she feels
exhausted.  Throwing back her covers, Kayla looks down.  “MOM!” she
yells.  “Holy…Mom!”
Her mom bursts into the room, her eyes frantically searching for the
danger.  “What?  What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean, what’s wrong? ” Kayla shouts, gesturing to her body.   “ Look at my legs.  Now tell me I’m not sleepwalking.”
“Ummm,” is all that her mom responds with.  She stares down at Kayla’s
mud-covered legs. 
“I have cuts, Mom!  Cuts on my legs,” Kayla exclaims.  “ I’m getting hurt now!”
Her dad stumbles into the room.  “What’s going on?”
“Dad, look at me!  I’m covered in mud .  Do you still seriously
think I’m making this up?”
Her dad crosses his arms, and his voice remains calm.  “I told you I did
this when I was your age.  It passes.  What do you want us to do, put
an alarm on your door or install surveillance cameras?”
“No, but I’m wandering around outside.  What if I fall off a cliff?”
“Kayla, my dear,” her dad

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