Pretend Mom
that didn't concern music. "It's about the only way to catch frogs,
though. And as far as the anthill, I didn't go looking for it, it
found me!"
    "Now I know this is a ridiculous
question, but why on earth would anyone want to catch a beastly,
slimy frog in the first place?"
    Dixie chuckled indulgently into the
phone. "To eat them, of course."
    "Good heavens, you've taken complete
leave of your senses. You can't mean you actually eat those little
green creatures that belch all the time." He sounded mortified and
Dixie could picture his expression perfectly.
    "You've eaten them yourself. You told
me so. When you were in Europe."
    "Frog's legs? Oh, yes, but I never
realized anyone would eat them right out of a local creek. I
thought they were domesticated, or something."
    "No, in fact they're better from a
creek, or bayou. They have more flavor."
    "Oh, I'll just bet. Now look,
seriously, are you all right?"
    "Of course I am," she
    "You do sound more relaxed. I haven't
heard you laugh so much before. But I'm a little disappointed. You
haven't asked about me!"
    "I'm always interested in you, Ed. And
I do miss you. It's just that I'm not dwelling on you or work right
now. I'm on vacation, and trying my best to enjoy it. I don't want
to think about getting back to work, and unfortunately, Ed, you're
a constant reminder."
    "Would you rather I not
    "Don't be silly. Please don't be
offended by everything I say. I'm very fond of you, Ed, but I don't
want to think about anything too serious right now." When he got
quiet, she added, "I just don't want to talk shop all the time.
I've really tried to rest and relax. I think this trip home is
exactly what I needed. You just said yourself I was laughing more.
And laughter is good for you, Ed. You should try it
    There was another prolonged silence
then he asked softly, "I need you, Dixie. How about you? And I'm
not talking about business now. Don't you feel the need,
    Dixie shook her head. "Ed, no
    A muted sound of disgust came from his
end. He wasn't pleased with her. Still, she didn't want to lead him
on, lead anyone on. She simply wasn't ready to commit herself to a
heavy relationship with Ed. Not yet, anyway. She liked him. Very
much in fact, but …
    "We'll talk when you get back. Enjoy
your visit. I'll see you in a couple of weeks, if all goes well."
Ed seemed so capable of turning his emotions on and off like a
    Could that be real love? Romantic he
    "That soon?" she countered, knowing he
was deliberately trying to cut her vacation as short as possible.
What was he afraid of?
    "I'm afraid so, darling. Two to three
weeks are all we can possibly spare you." He chuckled. "Your work
is already piling up, and your secretary is going wild trying to
shut down all the interviews. Have you managed to find out what was
so important with your mum?"
    "I think so. She's seriously seeing a
man, and I think there might be wedding bells."
    "Do you approve?"
    "That's what she wants to know. But
yes, I do. I think she wanted me home for the wedding,
    "Well, sounds as though everything
isn't as serious after all. Enjoy your time with her, Dixie. I'll
talk to you later." Ed sighed and hung up.
    Dixie turned off the phone and didn't
move. The conversation left her feeling lost. There seemed to be a
forked road ahead, and she knew she was about to make a lot of
heavy decisions about her future. Was she ready for this? If only
dreams came true. If only she could find a real romance and live
it, instead of reading about it all the time! 

    The next morning Dixie busied herself
hanging laundry in the backyard, a chore long forgotten by her
generation. She loved smelling the sunshine in the sheets at night.
Funny how one could miss a smell. She looked over as Emily joined
    "I'd like to ask a favor of you." Emily
sounded hesitant, as she picked up a garment from the laundry
basket and hung it on the

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