Military Daddy

Free Military Daddy by Patricia Davids

Book: Military Daddy by Patricia Davids Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Davids
prove the flowers were for her. The thoughtfulness of his gesture touched her deeply. She had been frightened and worried out of her mind.
    â€œWell, what does it say? Who are they from?” Crystal tried peering over Annie’s shoulder.
    Tucking the card in her pocket, Annie said, “They’re from Shane.”
    â€œThat is so sweet.”
    â€œYes, it is.”
    â€œAre you sure you want to get rid of the guy?”
    That very question had been buzzing around in the back of Annie’s mind since Shane had so willingly offered his help to find Olivia. He wasn’t behaving like most of the men she knew. Maybe she had been too quick to dismiss him as another in a long list of mistakes in her life.
    She stared at the bouquet, noticing the tiny white flowers tucked in among the greenery. They were baby’s breath. Had he asked for them or had it simply been the florist’s choice? It was another question that would remain unanswered in the back of her head.
    Excluding Shane wasn’t an error in judgment. Even if she wanted her baby to know his father, Shane was shipping out to Europe in a few months. One stable, caring parent would be enough for this child. Yet even as the thought ran through Annie’s mind, it was quickly followed by the one doubt that never quite faded.
    What if she couldn’t stay sober? What kind of mother would she be then?
    When the doorbell rang the following evening, Annie wasn’t surprised to see Shane standing on Marge’s front porch. She had been expecting him ever since she had received the flowers. What did catch her unawares was the little skip her heart took at the sight of him. Surely it wasn’t because she was happy to see him again. After spending so much time and energy trying to convince him to forget about her and the baby, she should have been angry that he kept showing up. Only…she wasn’t.
    Dressed in his formal military uniform, he looked even more handsome than he had in his cavalry outfit. For a moment she considered not opening the door, but she realized that was the coward’s way out. She needed to show him that a bouquet of flowers, no matter how pretty, wouldn’t change her mind about what was best for her baby. Taking a firm grasp on the knob and struggling to compose herself, she opened the door. “What do you want?”
    Looking taken aback, he said, “Hello, to you, too.”
    Annoyed at her lack of composure, she struggled to hide the effect he had on her nerves with bluster. “I’m sorry. Hello, Shane. Now what do you want?”
    â€œIs Olivia home?”
    It was Annie’s turn to feel taken aback. “Yes.”
    â€œMay I speak with her?”
    She couldn’t think of a reason to deny his request. “I guess.”
    He waited a moment longer. “May I come in or would you rather I wait out here?”
    Giving herself a mental shake, Annie stepped back. “Come in. I’ll tell Olivia that you’re here.”
    â€œThank you.”
    As he walked in, she couldn’t help but notice how large he seemed in their small entryway. The spicy scent of his cologne filled the foyer, and the close quarters left her feeling breathless. She gestured toward the living room through the archway to the right. “Have a seat and I’ll tell Marge and Olivia that you’re here.”
    He started into the room, then turned back to smile at her. “I see you got my flowers.”
    The arrangement sat in the middle of the coffee table in front of the sofa. For an instant Annie wished she had left them in her room, but the bright flowers were simply too pretty not to share with the other women in the house.
    â€œYes. Thank you. It was a kind thought.”
    â€œDon’t mention it. How are you feeling, by the way?”
    â€œNo ill effects from your scare?”
    â€œI’m glad. You certainly look well—and very

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