The Redemption of Lord Rawlings

Free The Redemption of Lord Rawlings by Rachel Van Dyken

Book: The Redemption of Lord Rawlings by Rachel Van Dyken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Van Dyken
good protector of sorts.”
    “ Protector?” Phillip almost choked on the word.
    “ Yes, there has been a situation. And I ask that you keep this to yourself. Otherwise, I’ll ruin you beyond repair. Do you understand?”
    Phillip nodded, because frankly, he was unable to speak or mutter any sort of sense. Confused, he waited.
    Lord Gates leaned forward, his girth pushing tightly against his jacket and pants. “Abigail was accosted!”
    Phillip swore, but not because of what was just said, though the grimace on Gates’ face gave way to a different interpretation.
    “ I do not say this to trouble you.” Lord Gates frowned and continued. “But if it were to come out, that she…she was attacked by this street urchin, this rogue, this—”
    “ Rake?” Phillip offered.
    “ Exactly!” Lord Gates puffed his chest and looked away. “She will be utterly ruined. Though the girl cannot for the life of her remember who this man was. She’s altogether fearful that he will come out of the shadows, so to speak, and spread vicious lies about her manner.”
    “ How…” Phillip paused, trying to find the right words. “Frightening for someone as young as she.”
    Lord Gates scowled. “That daughter of mine is too blasted beautiful. And the worst part is, she knows it. I can’t abide her manipulations and ministrations, but I truly believe she is frightened.”
    “ Do you now?” The door to the study moved slightly, giving Phillip the impression that the innocent maiden was behind it listening intently. “I will do as you ask, Gates. After all, it would be deplorable for young Abigail to be thrown to the wolves of the ton . Can you imagine the scandal it would cause your family if it were to get out that she had had a private tryst with someone?”
    Lord Gates shook his head. “It isn’t to be done. I cannot fathom the ramifications on her reputation. It is her first Season,” He shook his head at the thought as if it just occurred to him how old his daughter had become. “I must admit it would please her mother and me for her to make a good match.”
    “ Yes. What are your prerequisites? For a good match, that is?” Phillip moved closer to the door then shoved his full weight against it, hearing a tiny unlady-like squeak from the other end, and to his amusement, a curse.
    “ Someone with a pristine reputation and good family connections,” Lord Gates said, smiling at Rawlings.
    Rawlings continued to lean against the door. “And this paragon of integrity’s age is of no matter?”
    Gates pursed his lips together making his round face protrude even more. “I have no desire to see her marry someone older, but I also know she needs a strong hand to guide her. Rawlings, I trust you to not only be discreet as you try to find out the debased man who accosted her, but also to keep a wary eye for anyone who might be a good match for my Abigail.”
    Phillip chuckled. “I cannot imagine anything that would bring me more pleasure.” And he meant it. Somehow the girl had not only managed to use the situation to her advantage, but she had nearly given Phillip a heart attack in the process. He smiled and held out his hand to Lord Gates. “Truly, this has been a most enlightening pleasure. And I wouldn’t overtax yourself with worry, my lord. I know exactly how to handle her.” Simply kill her and be done with it.
    He said the last part loud enough for Abigail to hear, and if her deafening silence on the other side of the door wasn’t clue enough, the flushed face that appeared when he opened the door proved he had hit his mark. Nervously, she flinched and looked away as she tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her nostrils flaring as if she was on the verge of saying something she’d later regret, when her father appeared from behind Rawlings.
    “ Things are settled, my dear. Now to the issue of your dresses being ruined.”
    The tense atmosphere in the room lifted, but it was unfortunately promptly

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